Chapter 27:Damien

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So, this is from Damien's POV. Sorry it took so long for me to update, but here it is!! I can't believe it took that long! So sorry!!


Also, does anyone else have that song Kiki stuck in their head from the Thanksgiving ep? It seems as if it's permanently lodged into my brain. If you haven't seen it, youtube it! :D

Chapter 28? Damien

Don't you just hate that mini heart attack you get when alarm startles you from sleep? I certainly do. What the hell is wrong with the school board that makes them think having kids get up at the ass crack of dawn is 'reasonable'?

I hit the off button on my blaring alarm, wishing more than ever that I could just go back to sleep.

"Let's go, Damien. You won't have time to take a shower if you don't get up." my step mom, Ruby, called through the door.

"Alright, alright. I'm up." Sadly.

I shivered as my bare feet hit the cold, hardwood floor. I grabbed my towel and school clothes before walking across the hall to the bathroom.

I showered and dressed quickly before heading downstairs to eat breakfast.

Dad wasn't there, he was probably still away on a business trip. I ate breakfast in silence, I could here Ruby getting ready upstairs, she was a nurse.

I looked at my watch, another day of school was about to begin. I gathered my bag and walked upstairs for my brother.

"Let's go, Jack. If we plan to make it to school on time, we have to leave within the next like 30 seconds."

He thumped down stairs. He grabbed his bag from by the boor and we called out 'good bye' to Ruby. We began walking towards the schools, Jack taking my hand in his.

I dropped Jack off at the elementary school, it's right down the road from McKinley, a short walk. I always think about who I think my day will go on my way to school.

Yeah, I was still a fairly new addition to the school. However, I already had half the student body cowering to my will. It feels nice, being in control of something for once.


My day breezed by fairly quickly. I was alone during lunch period, not eating of course, so I decided to stroll around a bit. I heard a very catchy beat and, though I will deny this later, some really good voices accompanying it. Especially one.....

I walked closer and found the sounds coming from what I knew to be the choir room.

A kiki is a party,

for calming all your nerves.

We're spilling tea and dishing just deserts one may deserve.

And though the sun is rising,

few may chose to leave.

So shade that lid all bid adieu to your ennui.

I peered in and saw no other than Kurt Hummel leading the dance. Damn, he is sexy. Of course, that's when they had an instrumental and a big nosed girl I knew to be Rachel said they should take a break, and Kurt walked right over to some curly haired hobbit and kissed him. Not like a peck on the cheek, but an actually kiss on the lips. I shook my head and walked off.


School went by fairly uneventful until math. When Kurt walked in and took his assigned seat in front of me, I said my usual banter. The boy simply rolled his beautiful glass eyes and ignored me per usual.

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