Chapter 20: Blaine

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Maddymoose1223 and AmeliaCriss are freaking AMAZING!

Thank you both for all your support, I love you!! xxx

Okay, a few warnings:

abuse/violence, language (but that's been throughout the story), blood/gore, etc.

Not too bad, but still........

Okay, Chapter 20 is finally here!!

Chapter 20: Blaine


Okay, I'm living with Kurt.

Kurt, Freaking, Hummel.

No shitty hotel, no abusive dad, no gutter. A clean home with a supportive family. And it's the same house my amazing boyfriend lives in.

1 week. We haven't been dating 1 week, and he offers me a part of the roof over his head.

Can I ask for anything better from him?


I'm so relieved Em likes him. I knew they'd get along, but if they didn't I don't know what I would do. She didn't like Sebastian, and she made that VERY clear from the moment she met him. Then again, neither did I. But she said Kurt was a keeper, and I couldn't agree more.

I can see a future with him. Actually, the one without him reminds me of what Hell would look like. But like 10 times worse.

The next few days went by mostly uneventful, much to my surprise. Finn got used to seeing me around the house and Kurt drove us to school while Finn got Rachel.

Somehow, it got out to the school that I was living with Kurt. Rumors spread like wildfire after that.

Some were realistic and close: "Family troubles. Dad kicked him out for being an 'abomination and disgrace to the Anderson name' "

Some were just ridiculous: "I heard Lady Hummel knocked him up. Didn't think it was possible. Sex change maybe? But I always thought Hummel'd be the prego one"

Neither fazed me. Kurt was fuming at a few of them. Jackass jocks sure know how to get up under his skin. I was too happy, I had everything I need. For the first time in a very long time, I felt as if I were on Cloud 9.



I've now been with Kurt for 4 weeks. The most amazing 4 weeks of my life. We've even taken to sleeping in the same bed. We know not to push each other and we know we're not ready for that. We trust each other. We've never gotten further than bare chests and unbuttoned jeans. We know when to stop. Em loves him. She lets him choose her outfits and give her make-overs. She's needed someone like him just as much as I have. He's perfect.

But I didn't know just how violent this amazing boy can be, should you endanger the ones he loves.......


" Babe, you have to get out of bed at some point!" Kurt called from the bathroom. His voice was muffled by the pillow over my head.

" Nu-uh!" I retorted. Not unless I was dragged by my ankles would I get out of bed at 8 am on a Saturday.

I felt a slight dip in the bed and prepared for a pillow to the head. I was not expecting him to climb over me, stand up and proceed to scream,

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