Chapter 18: Blaine

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AHHHH!!! Long time no see! I know, I am a horrible person :'(

School's been crazy, tons of homework and new classes. But, that's no excuse. Mom took my sis to NY (I was SO BEYOND jealous of her, but I'm going soon so :D ) and I had no access to Wattpad. My sincere apologies to those who are reading and maybe even enjoying this story!

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!

I may own a Hollywood Undead t-shirt and black Converse, but I sadly do not own Glee. I wish I did.... All characters belong to Ryan Murphy and Fox. Any songs used also belong to their owners.


OH! And a special shout-out to Ollibee for encouraging this chapter! I love you, you are amazing!

Chapter 18: Blaine

Okay, It's official.


He's so caring and understanding. How the hell did he not punch me? I can not believe I would do that. I'm not like that! That's not me! I respect people's privacy. What came over me, I may never know. I guess I just had to kn ow that I wasn't making it all up in my head. And I was blinded by that. I think. I honestly don't know. But he didn't even yell at me! Here we are, laying on his bed, being I love him so much. What would I do without him? I hope i never find out....

I watched him as he fell asleep on me. He looked so peaceful. How could Karofsky do such things to a person as amazing as Kurt Hummel? Number 1 on my list of 'Things To Do'- KICK KAROFSKY'S ASS.

Kurt stirred under me as Burt walked in the door. I don't know what it is, maybe the fact that he's the father of the man I love and he controls when we see each other, but Burt Hummel always makes me nervous and puts me on edge to end.

Kurt is still half asleep when Burt pokes his head in, after knocking of course.

" Hey, Kiddo."

" Hello Mr. Hummel." I greet with a wave.

He frowned, " Blaine, how many times do I have to tell you? It's Burt, Kid. None of that 'Mr. Hummel' stuff. Got it?"

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. He had to tell me like 3 times the night I asked for Kurt to come over.

" Uh- um, yes'sir, Burt." I said, running my fingers through Kurt's beautiful hair. how is he so perfect?

" No. None of that 'Sir' crap either," he sighed," Why do I have the felling that I am going to be correcting you until even after you and Kurt are married?"

My eyes widened at this. Me and Kurt getting married. We've known each other all of 1 week, and his family is already calling the chapel. Not that I'd mind getting married to him. In fact, I'd probably be the happiest man alive. I wouldn't be shocked if we do, even right out of high school. What surprised me, was his tone. It wasn't threatening or disappointed, it was knowing and happy. Excited even.

" Um, yeah, probably." I agreed with a shy laugh. I saw a brief flash of relief and pride flash across Burt's eyes when I didn't oppose to marrying Kurt, even at such a young age and place in our relationship.

" Hmm? Oh, hi dad." Kurt said, fully waking up now.

" Hey, Kiddo. How are you?" Burt asked.

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