Chapter 34

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I went ahead and emailed the agent in charge of the whole case about wanting to meet up and get an update. He replied almost instantly and told me to just tell him when and where and he'll be there.

I went upstairs and went straight for Jaden's room. I walked in and saw him still curled up in bed. I sat on the edge of his bed.

Me "Good morning Bub."

He rolled over to face me and sat up. I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was with his bed head.

Jaden "What's up?"

I went on to tell him about my nightmare and how Bryce and I sat down and talked about what I should do.

Jaden "Bub, why didn't you come get me?"

Me "Bryce ran into me as I stepped out of my room so he just sat down with me."

I slightly stumbled over my words trying to leave the small details out. I could see the worry in his eyes, I just couldn't tell if it was about me or Bryce.

Me "I promise I'll be okay. Especially knowing I have you guys there with me."

Jaden "When are we meeting with him?"

Me "This afternoon. Josh gets home soon so I figured he would want to be there too."

Jaden "Yeah definitely."

He looked at me and then reached out and pulled me into him. He held me tight. I felt so safe with him. Then I heard a knock at his door way. Kio stepped in.

Kio "Am I interrupting something?"

Jaden "No not at all. Katie was just telling me about what we're doing today."

Kio "Yeah Griff filled me in. Do you want me to come?"

Me "Is that a real question? Of course I do."

Kio "I mean I was just checking. I kind of wasn't there for everything before so I wasn't sure."

Me "You're here now and that's what counts."

I felt my phone buzz and I looked down.

Bryan to Me "Hey dinner tonight. Everyone can come."

Me to Bryan "Sure. 🙃"

Me "Dinner with Bryan tonight. And that's not a question."

Jaden "Seriously?"

Me "Can you please at least try to be nice to him. He's trying."

Jaden "I guess"

I smiled and then got up from the bed.

Me "Josh will be home any minute. Can one of you fill him in and then we'll all meet downstairs."

Kio "Yeah I'll catch him as soon as he gets in."

I went to my room to collect myself. The real truth was I was a mess. I was nervous about knowing the truth. I needed to know if everything that's been going on has been in my head or not. I was hopeful that this would help. I got myself ready and after awhile headed downstairs.

We all met in the conference room where i originally told everyone about everything. Bryce sat down next to me and instantly grabbed my hand under the table. I don't know if it was for my comfort or his but I didn't pull away.

I saw Jaden look over at me with a confused look. He saw Bryce grab my hand but I shook my head at him to leave it be. I thought back to how hard this was on Bryce the last time. He took it so hard and was so upset afterwards. So I was going to offer all the comfort I could. I'm just praying it doesn't end like that this time.

After everyone was seated and we all greet the agent, we finally got down to business.

Agent "What is it you would like to know?"

Me "Well I umm..."

I could pull my thoughts together. I was afraid of what the answers might be.

Bryce "We want to know where he is and how long he'll be there. Katie can't handle being in the dark about it all."

I felt like I was going to pass out. I tried to focus my attention on him. I felt Bryce's hand squeeze mine. It made me relax.

Agent "Look I'm going to be completely honest here, there's a lot I can't tell you. Nothing has been publicized with him because of his knowledge. He was involved in some massive drug trades and has access to helping us shut down some major operations. But he is still in our custody and will still being going away for years for what he has done. You have no worries."

Me "oh thank god."

I felt a wave of emotions. Tears came down my face. Tears of relief. I turned my head to Bryce and buried my head into his shoulder to give myself a second to recollect my thoughts.

Josh "That's a relief to know. Is there anyway we could have you continue to update us as things go on. Instead of us having to always reach out."

Agent "We don't normally do that but I will personally keep you updated. I've seen what this girl has been through and think she deserves that at the least."

Me "Thank you for this. It really helps put me at ease."

Everyone went on to talk about some more things and then we eventually ended the meeting. When we went to get up I realized I was still holding Bryce's hand. I let go and he looked at me and just smiled. I got up and walked away quick. I needed to changed my focus.

I went up to my room and jumped in the shower. We still had plans for dinner with Bryan tonight. He had told me it was a little fancier of a place so I threw on a cute tight dress and did my hair. I heard a knock on my door. I went and opened it.

Jaden "Holy..."

His eyes lit up when he saw me.

Jaden "You look amazing."

Me "so do you Bub."

He pulled me into a hug. He whispered down into my ear.

Jaden "I wish I was the one holding your hand."

He let go and went to walked away.

Me "Jaden wait..."

He stopped and turned to me. At the same time I looked down and saw my phone ringing. It was Bryan. I shook off the thoughts running through my head. I took a deep breath.

Me "Give him a chance. I don't know how many time I have to say it. He really is trying. He wants to fix things."

Jaden "There's always a catch with him, but I will try."

He walked out the door and I answered my phone. I exchanged a few quick words with Bryan and then headed downstairs because he was almost here. I saw all the boys dressed so nicely so I insisted we take some pictures. By the time we were done Bryan was here so we headed out to dinner.

We were all eating and having a good time. It was Bryce and Kio was on my left, Bryan was on my right and the Josh Jaden and Griff across from me. Bryan had two of his friends there but they were on the other side of him.

Everything was going smoothly and all the boys were actually getting along. I noticed Jaden and Bryan having a semi serious conversation but neither one of them looked upset so I just went back to sipping my wine and chatting with Kio and Bryce.

After a few minutes I glanced over and saw Jaden's face. Something wasn't right. He looked like he was getting mad so I turned my attention to them.

I was definitely not prepared for what happened next...

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