Chapter 32

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Katie's POV

Fresh start. That's what I kept reminding myself of over the next few days. Things felt like they were finally getting back to normal. Bryce still hasn't brought Kendra around the house even though I told him it was okay. I know he's just trying to be respectful towards me.

Bryan messages me every now and again. We agreed that we would hang out again as friends. That seems to take the pressure off of things.

And as for Mads she still comes around but not when I'm here. I think Jaden is trying to nicely step away from her without things blowing up on social media. We've all been really good about staying off of TikTok Tea. It almost felt too good to be true.

I felt my phone buzz.

Bryan to Me "Beach party tonight? You can bring your friends."

Me to Bryan "Sounds like fun. I'll see who wants to come."

I went downstairs and saw Kio in the kitchen.

Kio "Breakfast?"

Me "Uhh yes please I'm starving. Where is everyone?"

Kio "Josh left for Canada this morning and Griff is in Connecticut with Dixie. As for everyone else I have no idea."

Bryce and Jaden both walked in from working out.

Bryce "Making enough for all of us?"

Kio "I'm not your personal cook..."

Me "Let me grab some more stuff and we'll make a group breakfast."

I glanced at kio and he just shook his head and laughed.

Me "So what is everyone's plans for tonight?"

Bryce "I have to run Kendra to the airport this afternoon and then nothing else."

Jaden "Yeah I got nothing too why what's up?"

Me "Wait Kendras leaving already?"

Bryce "Yeah we decided that this is not the way to rekindle things and that she'll come back out when I'm more ready. She felt really bad about the other night and she didn't  believe me when I told her that you were okay with it all."

Jaden "I mean I don't fully blame her. You girls are psycho over things like this."

Me "You mean like the crazy one you continue to bring around here."

Jaden "I mean at this point I'm just starting to think that the crazy ones are my type."

I glared at him because it sounded like he really meant that and I was kind of offended by it but he wasn't completely wrong. I do have a sense of crazy to me but I also think my past kind of justifies it. So I decided to shake it off and change the subject.

Me "Anyways... since you're all free you're coming with me to a beach party."

Bryce "Who's party?"

Me "Does it matter? Free drinks and a party on the beach. We're going."

Jaden "I guess there's no point in arguing with crazy."

I saw him wink at me and then try to put his arm around me. I smiled back and then stepped away from him.

Me "Ewww no you're gross and sweaty. You can hug me later."

Its Complicated...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon