Chapter 15

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Katie's POV

Josh was right. This party was the escape from reality that I needed. Ondreaz and I were kicking ass in the beer pong tournament and I was about to end the game in one shot. I sank the shot and started celebrating. I ran over to Jaden to tease him.

Me "Good game bub but it looks like you still cant handle my fire."

We stood there for a second then he put his arm around me and pulled me into a hug and squeezed tightly.

Jaden "You just got lucky."

Before I knew it I was being ripped from his arms by Ondreaz. He threw me over his shoulder and headed for the pool. I couldnt stop laughing as I tried to get out of his grip.

Me "Dont you dare put me in the pool Ondreaz."

Ondreaz "Oh we're both going in."

He jumped in with me in his arms. When I came back to the surface I jumped on to Ondreaz back trying to dunk him back under. Before I knew it there was a bunch of people in the pool with us. There were more people here then I thought. I was uncomfortable in my wet shirt so I decided to take it off. Kio came over to the edge of the pool and sat down.

Kio "Here I thought you could use this."

I grabbed the drink out of his hand and chugged it.

Kio "Damn Katie slow down."

Katie "Oh dont worry about me bud."

I swam back over to Ondreaz and jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I started singing We are the Champions. We were dancing around and laughing.

Jaden "Katie we're about to head home, you coming?"

Me "Well Ondreaz that looks like my cue to leave."

I hugged my arms around him tighter and kissed him on the cheek.

Me "Thanks for all the fun tonight, partner."

Ondreaz "Anytime sweetheart."

I got out of the pool and grabbed a towel from Jaden. He has already grabbed my stuff for me. We headed out to our uber. Josh sat up front and I was in the back with Kio and Jaden. I laid my head on Jaden's shoulder.

Me "Thanks for everything tonight guys. This was exactly what I needed."

Jaden "Anything for you bub."

We made it home and I went upstairs to get changed for bed. I sat down on my bed and turned on my TV and passed out.

I woke up the next morning with a raging hangover. I heard a knock on my door. I went and opened it. I saw Sara standing there.

Me "Oh hey, I thought you had off today."

Sara "I was supposed to be but Josh texted me and told me you had a wild night and could probably use today off. I brought you some Advil for that hangover."

Me "Thanks girl. Come on in."

We both sat down on my bed.

Sara "So wild night ehh?"

Me "Yeah I think I just needed to blow off some steam."

Sara "yeah Josh told me about everything. I totally get it. Break ups are hard especially with everyone watching."

Me "Yeah thats an understatement."

Sara "Well I'm going to head back downstairs but if you need me just let me know."

She walked out of the room. I got dressed and walked over to Bryce's room.

Me "We need to shoot the break up video today."

Bryce "Sure just let me know when youre ready."

Me "I'm going to go eat and then get my shit together because I look as bad as I feel right now."

He laughed at me.

Bryce "Rough night?"

Me "Yeah you can say that. Maybe next time you come with?"

Bryce "We'll see. I want to make sure you have your space to heal."

I just smiled at him. I walked out of his room and went and ate. Once I got food into my system I started to feel better. I went up and got showered and dressed to film this video. Bryce walked into my room.

Bryce "Ready?"

Me "yeah lets get this over with."

I knew this was going to be hard but it needed to be done. We sat down together and started.


[ Me "Hey guys this is not a video that anyone ever wants to have to film, but here we are."

Bryce "You guys have all seen Katie and I's relationship from the start but sadly sometimes things dont always go as planned."

Tears started running down my face.

Me "Bryce and I have come to a mutual agreement that what we have is just not working anymore. Its not that we dont have love for each other anymore, its just that we're not in love with each other anymore."

That was a hard sentence for me to choke out because it was a lie. I knew I was still in love with him. Bryce put his arm around me and pulled me close.

Bryce "Please give us time and space from all of this because we both need to heal."

Me "I am not moving out of the sway house and Bryce and I are still friends and you will probably see him in some of my videos in the future and vise versa. We just want as little drama through this as possible."

Bryce "We both love you guys so much and we appreciate all the love and support you give us. Just please respect what Katie and I are going through and give us the time we need to sort this whole thing out." ]

We finished up the video. Now I just needed to edit it and figure out if I was ready to post it or not.

Me "Thank you for doing that with me."

Bryce "Thank you for being so adult about the whole thing. I really appreciate the fact that you didnt air out our dirty laundry to everyone."

Me "Youre not a bad guy Bryce. You made a mistake. We all make them."

He pulled me into a hug and held me tight.

Bryce "Youre amazing Katie and I will forever regret losing you like this."

I felt myself getting ready to cry again. I held back my tears and just stood there in his arms. I couldn't come up with the words to respond to him. I just nodded my head. He kissed me on the forehead and then walked out of my room.

I sat down at my computer to start editing. I noticed that I had a lot of notifications coming in on my phone. I opened youtube and saw it. I was going to be sick. There was a video with a thumbnail of me on Ondreaz's back kissing his cheek.

TikToktea Video Title: Katie cheating on Bryce?

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