Chapter 30

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Katie's Rewind POV

I was back in where we keep all of our supplies when I heard Bryce yell for me. I walked out and saw him standing there with flowers and a package.

Me "What is all of this?"

Bryce "I don't know, open it and find out."

I opened the card and read it.

Me "Since tonight was a no go clear your schedule for tomorrow. You and a plus one are invited to our annual charity golf event. Hope to see you there. From a friend."

Bryan. I was hoping I could put off hanging out with him for awhile but I guess he got me. I opened the box and pulled out a cute little skirt and polo. I guess it was a golf appropriate outfit.

Bryce "Who the hell sent you that."

Me "Bryan."

Bryce "Oh I see. Looks like he's trying to spoil you already."

I can already tell that dating is going to be a challenge with Bryce around.

Me "Its not like that Bryce. He's just trying to be nice. Plus it's not a date or anything. It legit says to bring a plus one."

I watched him shake his head and walk away from me. There was that guilty feeling again. I felt like I was hurting him and that hurt me.

Bryce "I'm sorry. I really do hope you have fun tomorrow"

His words were quiet. Maybe this was all too soon for both of us. Bryce walked back outside and I picked up the box and carried it into the living room. I was starting to take the tags off the outfit when I heard the door bell again. I swear if Bryan sent me something else I was going to have to set some boundaries.

I yelled to the boys that I'd get it. I walked to the door and opened it. I first saw Mads standing there and next to her was another girl. She looked familiar to me.

Girl "Hii.. umm I'm looking for Bryce. I'm a friend from his hometown."

Then it clicked. I felt like I went numb. It was Kendra. What the hell was she doing here and why was she with Mads?

I couldnt keep my voice from showing my emotions as I yelled for the boys. I was upset beyond belief but I couldn't decide if it was a hurt upset or a pissed off upset.


I saw all of the guys walk in and then I saw Bryce just stop in his tracks. He looked straight at me and neither of us could get any words out. I felt tears starting to fill my eyes.

I watched as Kendra walk straight for Bryce and locked her arms around him. He lightly placed his arms around her but never broke eye contact with me. I couldn't tell if he was shocked because she was here or because I had to witness it or maybe it was both.

I didn't know what this girl was doing here but I felt like I just shattered into a million pieces. I didn't want to let anyone see me cry so I just silently walked past Bryce and went straight upstairs.

Bryce "Katie... wait!"

Jaden's POV

Bryce "Katie... wait!"

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him backwards.

Jaden "DONT. Don't you think you've done enough damage at this point."

I couldn't believe what my eyes just witnessed. I was beyond mad and disappointed with Bryce's carelessness this time.

Jaden "What were you thinking Bryce? We just got her to come home and now this. We'll be lucky if she doesn't move out. I can't believe you..."

Bryce "Stop before you say something that you're going to regret. I didn't do shit Jaden."

Jaden "So you're telling me you have no part in your EX GIRLFRIEND that you cheated on Katie with, showing up at our door?"

Kendra "Bryce had no idea. Mads contacted me last night and invited me out as a surprise."

I turned to Mads. I understood the jealous behavior lately that led to the annoying clinginess but inviting Bryce's ex out, that was just malicious.

Jaden "Are you fucking kidding me Mads?! What is your issue with Katie?"

Mads "I didn't do it because of Katie. I did it because after talking with Katie the other night she made it sound like Bryce had some unfinished business. I was just trying to help."

I didn't believe that for a second.

Kendra "I'm so sorry. I didn't know this would be an issue. I thought Bryce wanted me to come."

Bryce "It's not that I don't want you here it's just that it's really bad timing. This is Katie's home too and everything is just really fresh."

Mads "It's not fair to you and Kendra that Katie needs her space. You cant live your life bending over backwards for a single person."

Bryce "I really don't need you telling me what's fair for me and what's not."

Jaden "Mads I think you need to leave."

Mads "If I leave now Jaden I'm not coming back."

I knew she was bluffing but I almost wished she was serious.

Jaden "Just go."

She stormed out to her car. I looked over at Bryce.

Jaden "Maybe she should go too."

Kendra "I dont have anywhere to go. Mads got me from the airport and brought me straight here."

Bryce looked over at me. I could tell he was conflicted.

Bryce "Its not her fault she's in this situation. Maybe she could just.."

Griff "If you are about to ask if she can stay here, you know what the answer is going to be. I mean this in the nicest way towards Kendra but she cant be here right now."

Bryce took a breath and looked at Kendra. 

Bryce "I'll take you to a hotel close by."

Kendra "I'm truly sorry guys. Mads told me everything was okay for me to come out. Otherwise I would have never come out without Bryce's permission."

Jaden "Its not your fault that you got stuck in the middle of this."

Although in my head all I could think about is how there would be no drama here had she never come back around Bryce in the first place.

Bryce and Kendra headed out the door and I decided to go check on Katie. I got up to her room and slowly opened the door. She was out on her balcony. I walked over to her. Her eyes were puffy from crying. She looked right up at me and I could feel how broken she was. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her. I didnt even know what to say. She pulled out of the hug and looked away. Then what she said broke me a little bit.

Katie "I'm done."

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