Chapter 19

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Katie's POV

I woke up the next morning and saw Tony sleeping but Ondreaz was not there. I quietly snuck out of the room and headed downstairs. Ondreaz was just walking out of the kitchen.

Ondreaz "Oh hey good morning. I'm about to go have breakfast by the pool, wanna join?"

Me "Sure. Let me just grab some food and coffee."

I grabbed some stuff quick and caught up to him. We went down to the pool and sat down. We both sat sideways facing each other with one foot in the water. I sipped on my coffee and just stared out over the hill. I felt water splash up on me.

Ondreaz "Earth to Katie."

Me "Heyyyy"

Ondreaz "Don't ignore me then."

Me "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were so needy."

I felt his hand on my thigh and he leaned in like he was going to whisper something to me. But then I felt more water splashed up at me. I started busting up laughing with him.

Ondreaz "Oh I'm not needy."

Ondreaz and I teased each other for a bit and he had me busting up laughing. We talked about some random things. I appreciated the fact that he never once asked me if I was okay. I was over hearing people ask me that.

Ondreaz "So I know this is really random but were all flying out to Hawaii in 2 days to see Alex's girlfriends family. You should come with us."

Me "I don't know about that. I still have a job at the sway house."

Ondreaz "Can't you get out of it? We're only going for 4 days. It's a sponsored trip so I'm sure we could even get your flight covered."

Me "Let me see if I can pull a few strings."

Griffin "It's already taken care of."

I looked up and saw him standing on the patio.

Me "Where the hell did you come from?"

Griffin "I'm here to see Dixie and when I saw you down here I thought I'd come apologize."

Me "For what?"

Griffin "After you told us about what happened I was mad that you were making excuses for him. But then Kio told me about you staying over here to get away from it all. I kind of figured you came to your senses and did something for yourself for once."

Me "Can we just not talk about that."

Griffin then told me about how Dixie invited him to go to Hawaii too. He wasn't going to let me say no to me going with them but then Ondreaz beat him to the punch. He had already went ahead and set up Sara to work and even brought me stuff to take. I hugged him.

Me "I dont know what I ever did to deserve a friend like you."

Griffin "You're you. I know you'd do the same for me if I needed you to."

Me "One hundred percent!"

Dixie and him headed into the house leaving Ondreaz and I outside alone.

Ondreaz "So I guess that means you're coming along?"

Me "I guess so. I'm excited. I've never been to Hawaii before."

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