Chapter 5

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Bryce's POV

I knew I fucked up today. It seems like Ive been fucking up everyday. After Katie walked back into the house it felt like the day went by in a blur. It was getting late and everyone kind of went their own way. I made my way inside and found Katie in singing with Jaden.

Jaden seemed to be Katie's safe place. He always knew how to calm her down and get her in a better mood. It sometimes makes me nervous but Jaden is like a brother to me. He's one of the few people in this world that I completely trust and I knew he would never do anything to jeopardize my relationship with Katie.

I listened to Katie sing from a distance. She had such a beautiful voice. I still dont understand why she doesn't post videos of that online. People would love it. I decided that I was going to start filming them together.

Josh "Dude what are you doing?"

Bryce "Shh, I want to get this on tape. She's always more relaxed when she doesn't know she's being filmed."

He patted me in the shoulder and walked away. Jaden and Katie finished up the song and I decided to go join them.

Katie "Hey.."

She sat up making room for me on the couch. I sat down and she leaned back on me.

Bryce "You guys are amazing together."

Jaden "I keep telling her that but she won't shoot a cover with me."

Katie "I will eventually. Im still just not comfortable singing with a camera pointed at me. The thought of thousands of people being able to judge my voice makes me feel sick to my stomach."

Jaden and I tried to convince her that that wouldnt be the case but she is so stubborn.

Katie "I'm getting tired. I think I'm going to head up to my room."

Bryce "Okay hun, I'll be up after I'm done with some editing."

She got up, kissed me and then headed up stairs. After the talk we just had, an idea popped into my head.

Bryce "Thanks for being there for her. She always listens to you more then anybody."

Jaden "Anytime. I just want to see her happy."

Bryce "I know. Me too."

I walked away and headed to my room. I needed to put together a video for her. I knew should would tell me no if I told her what I wanted to do so thats why I had to do this without her.

I set up my camera prepared myself. I put together an introduction and then inserted the clip of Jaden and Katie singing. I made sure to tell everyone to show her page some love and to remind her how amazing she was.

I wanted to show her that she could do it. That she needs to come out of her shell and show the world who she really is.

I finished editing the video and posted it. I knew she was going to yell at me for doing this but I think she'll understand. I went over to her room and saw her sitting in bed reading.

Katie "Hey, I was hoping you wouldn't be too much long."

Bryce "Im all done for the night. Mind if I join you?"

Katie "I wouldn't have it any other way."

I went over and crawled into bed with her. She put her book away, turned off the lights and kissed me goodnight. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close.

Katie's POV

I woke up the next morning in Bryce's arms. I just felt like it was going to be a good day. 

Bryce "Good morning beautiful."

I felt him pull me in closer.

Me "Good morning babe."

I sat up in bed and grabbed my phone. It was overflown with notifications. I was tagged in soo many things and I gained like 50k followers overnight. I was so confused. I did some investigating.

I saw Bryce posted a video last night. I clicked on it. I saw him sit up and he had a guilty look on his face. I sat there and watched the entire video. His words were so heartfelt. I felt my eyes getting watery. Bryce has this side to him that is so sweet and thoughtful. But then I saw the video of Jaden and I singing. I was so embarrassed.

Me "Bryce! Why would you post that?"

Bryce "Because I knew you never would."

I was speechless. I didnt know if I should be mad or if I should be grateful. I looked down through the comments. There were soo many but they were all so positive. They all wanted to hear more from me. Maybe I really could do this. 

Bryce "See.. they love you. The internet can be full of hate but it can also be full of so much love."

Me "I just cant believe it."

Josh "KATIE... Damn you are trending and you haven't even posted a damn thing."

Josh and Jaden both came in the room. 

Jaden "I think I just found my duet partner."

Me "Im still in shock about it."

Josh "Now are you going to listen to me and start posting?"

Me "Yeah I think I might just do that."

It amazing how one little video can change so much. We all hung out for a bit then decided to go down and get some breakfast. Kio was in the kitchen getting things out of the fridge.

Kio "Family breakfast?"

Griffin "I'm down."

Me "I'll help."

Josh "Here I have an idea."

Josh grabbed his camera and started filming our family breakfast. He got Kio and I cooking together and of course got a lot of shots of everyone else fucking around. 

Me "I want this for my channel. You tell me to post what I love and well this would be at the top of that list."

Jaden "Save that cheesy stuff for the eggs."

I playfully shoved Jaden. We were all goofing around and having a good time. Kio and I were having a blast cooking and then Jaden turned on some music and started singing. It was like the ultimate sway house collab. 

We finally finished breakfast and then got our day started. I vlogged some of my normal daily routine including some of my time with Bryce. It was a boring day but after everything lately boring was good. 

Later that night Josh and I sat down and he started to teach me how to edit videos. We put together my first vlog and I was actually really excited to post it.

Me "Is it too soon to post this?"

Josh "Absolutely not. Youre trending right now so the more you put out the better."

I nodded to him and we posted my first video. I was nervous to see all the feedback about it but Josh reassured me that what people thought didnt matter. I was finally posted content that made me happy and that is what truly mattered.

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