Chapter 24

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Authors note: I absolutely love reading all of your comments. They seriously make writing this story so much more worth it. And the fact that you guys get so invested in my story makes me super happy. I'm putting this chapter out now  since so many of you just couldn't wait for an update. Hopefully I can post one more after this before I go away for the weekend! Enjoy ❤️

Jaden's POV

Everyone kind of stood there in silence. Katie walked over to Bryce who had made his way to the kitchen entrance. She hugged him. I looked over at Kio with confusion written all over my face.

Jaden "What in the world is going on?"

Kio "Did you not see Bryce's video? He cleared the air for Katie."

Jaden "I haven't been on my phone all day."

Griffin walked in to the kitchen.

Griffin "He admitted to everything and told people to leave Katie alone."

Jaden "So what, she just ups and forgives him just like that?"

Kio "I don't know about her completely forgiving him but she said it's the first step towards getting their friendship back."

I watched as Katie released from their hug. She didn't say a word to him as he walked up stairs to his room. She walked back to us.

Katie "Okay all you nosy people, let's finish dinner."

I expected some sort of sad or mad reaction but she seemed normal. Maybe her getting away from the house did help. Katie and Kio finished making dinner and we all ate and just hung out. It started getting late.

Mads "Do you want me to stay?"

Jaden "Maybe another night."

I saw her glare at Katie and then turn to me with a pouty look on her face. I pulled her into a hug.

Jaden "Don't give me that face."

Mads "Fiinnee."

She kissed me then headed for the door. I then headed up to my room to try to clear my head. I still needed to talk to Katie but I don't want to potentially ruin her good mood.

But I made up my mind. I needed to talk to her. I was sitting there trying to think of everything I wanted to say to Katie when she walked in my room. I swear that girl has the ability to read my mind. She sat down on my bed and looked at me.

Katie "Hey Bub, can we talk?"

Jaden "I was just going to ask you the same thing."

There was no denying that we will always have this weird connection to each other. And no matter what ever happens between us I just know that I can't lose her.

Katie's rewind POV

Kio and I finished cleaning up the dishes and headed to his room. I made myself comfortable on his bed.

Kio "What's up buttercup? You look like you have something on your mind."

Me "Its just weird."

Kio "What is?"

Me "being out of sync with Jaden. We're usually so on the same page that it's almost freaky but since this whole breakup we've just been off."

He crawled over and sat next to me.

Kio "Some times when it rains it pours."

His response had me laughing. I put my head on his shoulder.

Me "You do realize you're making no sense what so ever?"

He put his arm around me and then rested his head on top of mine.

Kio "Then maybe you should go talk to the person that can make sense of this all."

Me "Maybe you're right."

Kio "Maybe? Pshht I'm always right."

Me "Yeah okay.."

He started pushing me towards the edge of the bed.

Kio "GOOO"

Kio actually was right. Every part of me was saying to go talk to Jaden. I got to my feet and walked over to Jaden's room. I went in and sat down in his bed.

Me "Hey Bub, can we talk?"

Jaden "I was just going to ask you the same thing."

There's always been a connection with Jaden. Whenever I am around him I just feel like I can do anything. But like Josh once told me "Sometimes it comes down to right person wrong time" but I'm starting to think that's it's more like right person wrong lifetime.

I went to start talking and Jaden started too.

Me "Oops sorry you go."

Jaden "No it's okay, you start."

I took a deep breath.

Me "I'm sorry. I'm sorry if anything I have done has made you feel like our friendship wasn't enough. I just needed.."

Jaden "You don't have to explain, I get it. You needed space from the situation, not the people in it. I'm sorry that I couldn't see that sooner. I was a dick for getting pissy with you."

Me "I guess you can put it that way. It's just no matter how many people were here with me, I just felt.."

Jaden "Alone?"

Me "Yeah and confused. Everything just happened so fast and I was getting so much hate, I just couldn't"

Jaden "It's okay. You don't have to explain. I get it."

He pulled me into his arms.

Jaden "I don't ever want you to feel alone."

He pulled back alittle and brought his forehead to mine and looked straight into my eyes.

Jaden "Every single one of us cares about you Katie and we would do anything for you."

His words made me think of what Griffin had told me. How broken Jaden was after Colorado. We sat and stared into each other's eyes. I didn't want to pull away. If anything I wanted to lean further in. But then his phone went off.

It was a FaceTime from Mads. He held his finger up to his lips telling me to be quiet. He answered the call. I wasn't going to stay and listen to their call so I got up and left. I tried to shake off that feeling. I started making excuses in my head. I'm just rebounding, I just don't want to be alone, I'm just jealous. No matter how I looked at it our little moment ended and I needed to snap back to reality. Like I said right person, wrong lifetime.

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