Chapter 33

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The whole evening was a blast with everyone. Although Bryan was all over the place and barely spent much time with me. I tried to shake that off and remind myself that this was his party after all.

When the sun started to go down they lit the bonfire. I had never been to a party like this before. We all sat on the logs around the fire. Jaden was on my left side and Bryan was on my right.

Someone started playing guitar and Jaden started to sing he placed his hand on my knee encouraging me to chime in. It must have been the beer talking because before I knew it I was singing with him and all eyes were on us.

But what was more noteworthy was all the phones that were recording us. I notice Bryan kind of scoot away from me to stay out of the frame. I still couldn't figure him out. I thought he was into me but maybe he's not. I watched as he got up and went to get another drink.

Quickly Bryce filled in the empty spot next me and placed his arm around my shoulder. He started to sing along too. Kio sat in the sand in front of me between my legs and I leaned forward and placed my hands over his shoulders. At least I knew these boys like me.

I finished my beer and excused myself to go get another. I filled my cup up and walked into the darkness down towards the water. I took a few steps in letting the water crash into my legs. But then I got this feeling like someone was watching me. And then I heard it.. "Katiee"

I looked around and saw no one. Great now I'm hearing things. I chalked it up to the decent amount of beer I had. Then I heard foot steps coming towards me. I started to think I was going insane. I turned around and saw Bryan standing there.

Me "Oh thank god."

Bryan "What's wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost."

Me "It's nothing just feeling alittle tipsy that's all."

I shook off the weird feeling and then aimed my attention towards him.

Bryan "You and Jaden sound really good together. I've never heard someone pair with his voice so well."

Me "Can I ask you something?"

Bryan "Shoot.."

Me "Why do you always talk about Jaden and the boys?"

I feel like we were having the same discussion we had at his apartment the other night.

Me "The real reason. Because if it was the reason you gave me last time we wouldn't be having this talk again. Look if you're not interested in me that's fine there's no hard feelings. I'm fine just being..."

He stopped my rambling by pulling me in and gently kissing me on the lips. The kiss lasted a few seconds till we inched apart and I stood there just staring at him.

Bryan "Trust me it's not that I'm not into you."

Me "Well I mean I understand that now."

Bryan "Trying to mend old friendships while starting a new relationship gets tricky. Especially when your life is so intertwined with theirs. I ask about them a lot to make sure that I'm not causing any trouble for you."

Me "Why didn't you tell me that before."

Bryan "I wasn't lying when I said I was bad at this. I don't usually date girls out here."

Me "Wow now I feel like a complete dumbass."

Bryan "You're not. Trust me. But I still think we should keep things low key."

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