Chapter 20

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The next day was a blur. After the video came out I refused to give them any type of reaction. I ignored social media all day. The whole day just consisted of everyone scrambling to get pack for Hawaii. Griffin did a great job of packing for me so I just hung around the pool and relaxed.

Finally the day came for us to leave. Tony woke me up at 3am to get down to our ubers to get to the airport. Tony and Ondreaz made me sit in the middle between them since I was "the smallest." I pretty much passed out as soon as we got into the air. I woke up when we landed.

We all got off the plane and headed to our Airbnb. We all picked our rooms out. I stuck with Tony and Ondreaz just like we had originally planned. We got settled in and then headed for the beach.

Thomas"Hey were going to do a bunch of photo shoot the next few days, you are more then welcome to hop in some of them."

Me "Oh cool okay."

They all got set up for a beach photo shoot. Everyone was down at the water splashing around and posing for pictures. I stood back and just watched. I wasn't sure if I wanted to get in them or not. Josh's words ran through my head to think before I post. I felt my phone go off. I was kind of hoping it was Jaden. We still hadn't talked since our fight. But to my surprise it was Kio.

Kio to Me "Hey"

Me to Kio "Hey what's up?"

Kio to Me "Heard you went to Hawaii with Griff and the hype house. Wish I could be there with you."

Me to Kio "Aww wish you could be too."

Kio to Me "I miss you. Please come home when you get back."

Me to Kio "I'll think about it"

Kio to Me "😊"

I was about to reply when I felt someone pick me up from behind and cradle me in his arms. I looked up and saw Tony. I threw my phone down on my towel. He carried me the whole way down to the water. I felt the water hit my legs and it made me scream. It was so cold. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held tight. Griff started to splash me and next thing I knew a wave came in and took us all out. We all got back up and started to laugh and have a blast. I saw Dixie jump on to Griffin's back, so I did the same with Tony.

After a full day at the beach full of games and just hanging out, the boys set up a fire. We all gathered around and munched on some of the food that we had brought. The boys broke out the cooler full of beers. We all grabbed some and chilled around the fire. It was like the perfect end to an amazing day.

Tony came and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me into him.

Tony "I'm glad you came"

I laid my head on his shoulder.

Me "I am too."

Thomas walked up with his camera and motioned for us to pose for a picture, so we did. Alex also had his camera out but he was definitely filming. He looked over at me and gave me a weird look. I knew he was just making sure it was okay for him to film me again after all the back lash I got from the last time. I nodded to him. I didnt care about what Josh told me. I was with my friends and I didnt care what anyone else thought.

It started getting late and we were all getting tipsy and tired. So we put the fire out and packed up to walk back to the AirBnb. Everyone started walking and then I realized the my bracelet was gone.

Me "Shit shit shit, no no no this cant happen."

I grabbed my phone and turned on the flash light. I started scrambling looking for it.

Tony "Whats wrong?"

Me "My bracelet. I had it on and now I dont. it must have fallen off."

Tony "What does it look like?"

Me "Its a silver bracelet with a dangling diamond B on it."

Tony helped me look for it. I started to panic.

Tony "Found it!"

I ran over to him and grabbed it. I then threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. I felt his arms around my waste. We stood there for a second then I slowly leaned back while he kept his grip around my waste. We didnt say a word. I saw him lean in and put his lips on mine.

He kissed me gently and I started kissing him back. I felt him try to pull my even closer to his body and he deepened the kiss. I felt his tongue on mine. His hand slid down to my ass and squeezed.

I slowly pulled back and looked into his eyes. It's like he read my mind.

Tony "We dont have to do this."

I nodded my head and felt his grip release from my waste.

Me "I'm sorry, I'm just not ready for all of this. Its too soon."

Tony "It's okay, I promise."

Me "Maybe we should head back?"

Tony "Of course."

We turned and started walking up the beach. I started to think about how Tony was like a completely different person from back then. He's just so sweet now. I reached my hand down and grabbed his. He just looked at me and smiled. We walked hand in hand the whole way back to the house.

We got back and let go of each other when we walked in. Ryland and Nick were standing there in the kitchen.

Ryland "What took you guys so long? Getting a little freaky together? Isn't Ondeaz going to be jealous?"

He winked at us and chuckled.

Tony "Shut up dude."

I just rolled my eyes at him and laughed. I knew he was just fucking with us.

Me "He helped me find my bracelet. Thats all. Now if you dont mind I'm going to go to bed."

I walked back to the room with Tony following behind me. We walked in and saw Ondreaz already passed out on the one bed taking up all the space.

Tony "I can wake him up."

Me "Dont be silly. Just stay in bed with me."

Tony "Are you sure?"

Me "Positive. Its not like its the first time we've laid in bed together."

He nodded. We both got out of our suits and changed into comfy clothes. Tony laid down on his back and had his hands above his head. I crawled into bed too.

Me "Good night Tony."

Tony "Good night Katie."

He reached over and turned the light off. I rolled over and faced him. He was laying there with his eyes closed. I decided to scoot over to him and lay sideways with my head on his chest and my arm over his body. Without even opening his eyes he brought his arm down and wrapped it around me. Before I knew it I was sound asleep.

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