Where are we at now?

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I got a second chance to start my life over and let me tell you I am so blessed to be where I am now. Its been 6 months since Bryce and I started officially dating and things have been going amazing. We have finally got into what feels like a normal routine with our relationship. We still have our issues but we do our best to work through it together. Bryce is back into the busy swing of making content and although he pushes me to be in his stuff I try to keep it to a minimum. This world is very new to me so Im trying to take baby steps and he completely understands that. I go with him on some of his collabs to hangout with everyone but I still have to be around the house incase anyone needs anything medical.

Jaden and I are inseparable. He is my best friend and I dont know what I would do without him. We recently started doing more music together and I think I may actually get to be recorded on some of his new songs. He put out his first single recently and his fans went nuts. He truly is an amazing artist. We spend a lot of time together especially when Bryce is out working on collabs without me. Jaden and Mads are on and off with dating. He talks about it with me but I still cant figure out whats actually going on in his head with the whole thing.

Griffin and I spend a lot of time together studying. He is still in school and I try to help him as much as I can. We are like little kids together. But he also spends alot of time with Dixie. They have yet to come out and say they are dating but we all know the truth.

Josh helps me the most with my social media accounts. He really seems to know his shit about the behind the scenes stuff. My accounts aren't that big and they are definitely where they are at because I'm friends with the boys. That kind of bothers me and its the big reason I'm still hesitant to get fully into it. I want people to follow me for me. Josh promises me that if I go into it with that attitude and stay true to myself that I will eventually grow on my own. He is still dating Nessa. Her and I have gotten really close. She's like a little sister to me now. I love when she comes to visit.

Anthony isn't around too much anymore. He spends a lot of time over at the hype house with Avani. We go over with him sometimes too. Tony and I are now friends and have put everything behind us. There are a bunch of people that I'm starting to get to know over at that house. They are all so sweet.

The crazy thing was that through all the issues months ago no one ever told me about another kid living in the house. His name is Kio. I met him a few months ago. He's this super sweet but quiet guy. He has the most adorable smile. He spends a lot of time to himself kind of doing his own thing but sometimes we cook dinner for everyone together. We are a killer team in the kitchen. 

Life is a crazy thing. I am learning fast that there are many people out there that are super selfish and will tear you down in a heart beat but I try to keep my mind positive with it all. I am continuing my position as the house nurse but the management team is also allowing me to hire and assistant for me to be able to have time away from the house. I cant believe how much everyone here is willing to do for me. 

And the parties... the parties are insane out here. I dont always go to all of them but when I do its soo much fun. I see a lot of girls drooling over all the boys but they seem to hold their ground and get them to leave them alone. But its so freeing to be able to just let loose whenever we want.

This is my life now... and I absolutely love it.

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