Chapter 14

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I went back to my room to try and get some work done to get my mind off things. Sara had sent me some texts about things she needed so I made sure to get the stuff ordered. No matter how much work I tried to get done I couldn't keep from thinking about telling the guys about everything. I think I just need to rip the bandaid off and get this over with. 

I stayed in my room most of the morning until I knew all the guys were awake. I headed downstairs and saw Josh, Jaden and Griffin in the living room playing some video games. I went over and sat down.

Jaden "Hey bub"

Me "Hey, can we all talk?"

Josh "Umm can it wait. We're in the middle of a game."

Me "Umm yeah never mind..."

Kio walked in and shut off their game.

Griffin "Dude what the fuck."

Kio "Just listen to what she has to say.."

Jaden "Whats going on Katie?"

Me "I know you guys have been able to tell that Bryce and I have had some shit going on but I thought you should know that we have decided to break up."

Griff "Wait why? I mean you guys have always seemed to work through this kind of stuff in the past."

Me "Umm yeah see theres more to it this time."

I felt my anxiety rising. Jaden placed his hand on my thigh.

Jaden "Katie what happened?"

Me "He slept with his ex when he went home."

The room went silent. I felt Jaden's hand tighten on my leg. He was mad.

Me "Before anyone reacts please hear me out. I understand that everyone here is super protective over me but I would like what happened between Bryce and I to stay between Bryce and I. Dont go off on him or go picking any fights because thats only going to make things worse for me."

Griffin "I just cant believe he would do something like that."

Me "Look I know what he did was wrong but I dont think he ever meant for any of it to happen. He didnt..."

Griffin "Youre making excuses for him Katie..."

Me "This is what I meant by let it between him and I. I want to deal with this on my own and if I choose to make excuses for him then let me."

Griffin got up and walked out of the room. 

Jaden "Are you okay?"

Me "I'm better now that I dont have to keep it from you guys. Its going to be weird for awhile but I think Bryce and I will be able to be friends after it all."

Jaden's POV

I looked at Katie as she tried to play the strong card. I could see it in her eyes though, she was hurting. It made me so angry with Bryce. We promised Katie we would protect her but instead he was the one that ended up tearing her apart. But I cant focus on that now, I need to focus on Katie and making sure she is okay.

Jaden "Well you know we are all here for you."

Katie "Thanks Bub. I dont know what I would do with out you guys."

Josh "You know the best way to get over a break up?"

Katie "And what would that be Josh?"

Josh "A party. You know the raincheck you owe us."

Katie "Uhhg I dont know Josh."

Josh "Come on it will help you blow off some steam."

Katie "Fine. I'm in."

Jaden "You sure about this Katie?"

Katie "Yeah, you guys will be there with me. I'm sure everything will be fine."

Josh went off and hit up some friends to put together a party. We decided it was best not to have it here because of Bryce so we hit up the boys at the hype house. Maybe this would be a good thing to get Katie to think about something else.

It was time to leave for the party so I walked into Katie's room to see if she was ready. I admire how effortless it was for her to look so beautiful. 

Jaden "You ready?"

Katie "Yeah I am. I just finished up."

I saw she was still wearing her bracelet that Bryce gave her. She must still be holding onto things with him. I guess everyone has their own way to deal with things. We headed out to the party. It was more of a chill party, there weren't too many people. We got some drinks and headed into the living room where they were playing beer pong. 

Tayler "Perfect timing guys were putting together a tournament. You guys in?"

Katie "Hell yea"

Ondreaz "Okay to make it fair we are making the teams random. Everyone take a number and find your partner."

I pulled out a number and got 6.

Jaden "Whats your number?"

Katie "Im a 2."

Ondreaz "I mean youre definitely a 10 but I think that 2 means were on the same team."

Katie "Ohh man well I hope youre good because I dont feel like having to carry the team tonight."

I was bummed Katie and I weren't on a team but she looked like she was having fun. My teammate was Tony. We all got to playing and drinking and having a good time. Katie looked like she was having a blast with Ondreaz. They were vibing on the beer pong table. They kept winning and every time they celebrated more and more. Katie looked happy. 

Tony "Dude Katie and Ondreaz are really hitting it off. Im surprised Bryce isn't here threatening him."

Jaden "Katie and Bryce aren't together anymore."

Tony "Oh shit. I wasn't expecting that one."

Jaden "Yeah I dont think any of us were."

Tayler "Tony, Jaden youre up against Katie and Ondreaz."

It was the final round. So this game was for the whole tournament. 

Katie "You boys ready to go down?"

Tony "Bring it on."

It was a close game and there was a lot of taunting the whole time but Katie ended up hitting the last winning shot. Katie and Ondreaz started celebrating. She came over to me and hugged me. 

Katie "Good game bub but it looks like you still cant handle my fire."

I stood there for a second admiring her. She was so cute when she tried to be intimidating. I mean she had to stand on her tip toes just to get near my face. I put my arm around her and pulled her into a hug and squeezed tightly.

Jaden "You just got lucky."

Before I knew it she was being ripped from my arms from Ondreaz. He threw her over his shoulder and headed for the pool. I could hear her laughing and trying to get out of his grip.

Katie "Dont you dare put me in the pool Ondreaz."

Ondreaz "Oh we're both going in."

I watched his jump into the pool with her. When she came back to the surface and playfully wrestle around with him. She was having a blast with everyone. She needed this. 

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