Chapter 6: Night One: 4 a.m.

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^^^listen to audio.


"What was what?" Michael asks as he walks over, leaving Calum at the vents alone.

"I don't know! One second, Luke and I were looking at the back room, then it forces me into this...messed up death game or something!" I exclaim.

"What do you mean by 'death game'?" Michael demands.

"You know the Atari we have at home?" I elaborate.


"The graphics were like that, but I think I was playing as Freddy. It had me give cakes to kids when they got angry. Then, a people car pulled up beside this kid that was sobbing outside, my character couldn't get to him. A purple man got out of the car and the kid cried harder, by then, my character couldn't move any more. Then the kid turned gray, and the guy drove off." I tell him.

He gives me a funny look.

"You sure that you didn't accidentally click on an app or something?" He asks.

"No! I was still looking at the camera!" I cry.

Michael shakes his head and runs his fingers through his dyed hair. He scratches at his stubble as he thinks something through.

"I say tomorrow, before our next shift, we go confront that manager we met." He proposes.

"He's not going to let us off the hook, we have a required amount of nights." Calum puts in from the right vent.

"I know, but I'd like to tell him that his restaurant is overrun with demonic kids toys!" Michael huffs.

"Guys, I wonder if the game meant something..." Luke drifts off.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, listening.

"Like, well, didn't you hear the weird voice that was playing in the background? Like, the creepy deep voice?" Luke fiddles with his fingers.

I shake my head, I guess I wasn't paying that much attention to the noises as much as the visuals.

"If I heard it right, It spelled out 'S A V E H I M'... could that have meant save the crying child?"

"I suppose it could." I nod, still very confused about everything that's going on, "You know what? We should start looking for patterns. For everything, like Jeremy said to do."

Luke nodded at me and starts thinking. He sits quietly for a good five minutes before he finally speaks up.

"We know the masks work," he starts, "and I think that radio had something to do with Mangle."

"That would make sense." Michael agrees.

"I don't think Freddy comes to the vents...he's stayed in the hall this whole time." I add.

"I don't think the older ones can move but we'll have to find out their movements if they do." Michael inputs.

I check the cameras as we throw out the ideas for patterns. The only two that have moved are Toy Chica and Bonnie. I wind the music box, still unsure of what it does, before I close the cameras again.

"Why are they after us?" Calum asks all of a sudden.

The four of us are silent, unsure of the answer to that question. Was it really because of their free roam mode, or was it something much more dark, hidden, and terrible? Did something happen here that the manager didn't tell us?

"I-" Michael's voice gets cut off abruptly.

A very low laugh starts to echo through the vents, louder and louder each time it rings out. I have no idea where it started, or who's causing it.


"What robot is that?" Calum asks in disgust, "Someone needs a change of voice box."

"Hahahah....ha ha..."

"I'll check the rooms." I sigh, not even phased because of what's happened previously. As long as the door's closed and they can't get in, it'll be fine. But Jeremy did say it could get jammed...

I look at all the rooms. Nothing has changed. Not one room. I can't tell what's making that noise, and that's terrifying.

"Nothing's changed," I shiver, "I don't know what that is."

"Did you check the disabled camera?" Luke asks.

"No I didn't, but isn't that only audio?"


I shrug and switch the camera. It only displays a black screen that reads 'Kitchen, Audio Only.' I then, very very faintly can hear something else besides the very disturbing laughter. It sounds like a jingle, a child like tune.

*Da da da dum dum da da da da dum...*

"Guys, listen." I turn up the tablet volume.

They pause and their foreheads crease in confusion.

"Wait," Calum says, "is that coming from the kitchen?"

"Yeah it is."

"A robot is in there?"

"Yeah, but I have no idea what one." I shrug.

"I don't remember any of the ones we saw playing music." Luke points out, remembering the ones we saw on display earlier.

"So...You think it's one of the," Michael swallows, "older ones? The ones that technically shouldn't be moving?"

"Probably." I agree.

"Ha ha ha....haha...hahahahha."

"I don't like it." Calum declares.

"It's definitely messed up." I nod, winding the box again.

"Was that there before?" Luke peers over my shoulder as I switch cameras to one of the party rooms.

"What?" I don't see what he's talking about.

"That poster." Luke points to the feed.

I peer down at where his finger is. I squint because it's in the dark portion of the room, but then I do notice what Luke is taking about. Where a poster of Toy Freddy used to be, now sits a poster of a creepy yellow bear with empty black eyes.

"Woah. What is that?" I ask aloud.

Michael, who had ventured over, widens his eyes.

"Goldie...." He trails off.


"What Jeremy said: 'Goldie is real.' Is that Goldie?" He then asks.

"Could be, but it's just a poster." Calum laughs.

"Yeah." Michael sighs, "Is it six a. m. yet?"

"No, not even close." I groan, "Like an hour and a half more."


"Don't groan Michael." I laugh.

"Um, that wasn't me who groaned." He says in a confused tone.

"What you expect me to believe that that completely human sounding groan didn't come from you?" I demand.

"It wasn't!" He protests.

"Guys, fight later! Mrs. Sexy Chicken couldn't get enough of us." He sighs, pointing at the left vent, where thudding could be heard.


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