Chapter 10: Night Two: 1 a.m.

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Please read author's note at the end of the chapter:)


Party rooms? Nothing. Bathrooms? Nothing. Kitchen? Zilch. Vents? Nope. Show stage? All in their place. Music box? Fully wound.

I set the tablet down, wiping sleep out of my eyes. Luke has managed to fall asleep in the corner, hugging himself tightly. Calum is spinning himself around in the desk chair, and Michael is sitting by the vents, flicking the lights on and off. On and off, making the most annoying clicking noise.

"Michael, will you please stop that?" I hold my head in my hands, getting a headache.

"What else am I supposed to do? I'm bored out of my mind." He groans, still flicking the light.

"Why don't you go play with Bonnie?" I say sarcastically.

"I would rather not be stuffed into a faceless bunny costume today." He rolls his eyes.

I stand, walking over to the colored hair boy. He looks up at me expectantly. I shove the tablet at his chest.

"Why don't you make yourself useful and take over the tablet for me?" I say with a fake grin, not meaning to be as nasty as I'm being.

"Fine." He snaps, looking at the screen, winding the box and checking the rooms.

I walk back to the desk, looking through the drawers, not knowing if I'm allowed to be doing so. Most of them contain nothing but paper clips and fliers. However, one drawer catches my eye.

I slowly open it, finding piles upon piles of old newspapers, crumpled up and some of them ripped. I search through them, wondering why on earth they would be in here, until one article catches my eye.

It reads:

Five Children Now Reported Missing. Suspect Convicted.

Five children are now linked to the incident at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where a man dressed as a cartoon mascot lured them into a back room.

While the suspect has been charged, the bodies themselves were never found.

Freddy Fazbear's has been fighting an uphill battle ever since to try and convince families to return to the pizzeria.

"It's a tragedy," said manager Vincent. (He has asked not to have his last name in print.)

I make a face as I read the paper. What kind of horrible person would murder such innocent children? This place is getting more and more on my bad side every hour we're here.

"This sickens me." I state as I throw the paper on the floor.

"What?" Calum stops spinning around in the chair to see what I'm looking at.

"This." I say as I toss him the article.

Calum snatches it and scans the paper, eyes getting bigger and bigger the farther he reads. The paper falls out of his shaky hands and he looks up at me with scared brown eyes.

"T-that happened h-here?" He squeaks, "Kids were killed here?!"

I nod very slowly, causing Calum to whimper in fear.

"That's what it says. But at least the guy was caught right?" I try to look on the bright side of this horrible event. It doesn't work too well.

"T-they never found the bodies!" He whimpers, grabbing a mask and hiding his face in it.

"Calum, come out." I sigh, "Please."

The Freddy mask shakes its head. Calum shrinks back in the chair, huddling his knees close to his body.

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