Chapter 29: Secrets

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@VictonieCresta012 made this incredible drawing, thank you sooooo much!!!


It was still very dark and rainy when we all walked out of the pizzeria. I pull  my hood up and pull the strings tight to keep the cold away from my face.

Unfortunately, I couldn't walk home with the others, my brothers are pissed at me for taking their baseball bats without permission. Before our shift last night, they had yelled at me as I ran out the door as fast as I could, I'm not looking forward to facing them.

Ashton seemed weary of the whole situation, of me walking home by myself. However, I knew my brothers would yell and they also wouldn't believe me if I told them why I needed the bats. My friends don't need to hear that argument.

"I'm fine, Ashton. Walk the others home." I shrugged, knowing my house is on the opposite side of town as the others any way.

Hesitantly, Ashton responds, "Okay, if you're sure..."

"I'm sure." I nod curtly and start walking the other direction, kicking at little pebbles as the rain pours down on top of my head.
Already tired and worn out, I really don't have the strength for an argument with my brothers, but I guess I'll have to.

My friends' voices fade under the low rumble of thunder above my head as they walk farther and father away from me towards Ashton's house. Once, I can no longer hear them, I start to get a creepy feeling and hurriedly walk across the wet side walk. My house is quite far away from Freddy's and the longer I walk, the worse the feeling gets and the more I wish I would have walked home with Ashton, Michael, and Calum.

Trying to push the feeling down, I walk a little bit faster. It doesn't work. I can't shake the fact that I feel someone is following me. Soon, I start to get paranoid and glance behind me every few seconds.

I try thinking out loud, thinking that maybe hearing myself talk will distract me.

"Maybe I could tell Jack and Ben what's been going on. I mean, they could believe me, right? At worst they'll think I'm just getting sleepy on the job...right?" I speak to myself in a very soft voice.

I listen to the fear that's faint in my tone, and cringe. I really do sound afraid and weak. No wonder Michael doesn't think I'll last that extra night.

"I mean, what would I even tell them?" I ask myself " 'Hey, Jack and Ben, yeah, my friends and I are being hunted by killer robots possessed by children that were murdered!' " Because that sounds totally sane.

Jack and Ben would never ever believe me. My mom would think I'm crazy, she might put me in a hospital as a matter of fact.

I sigh. No one believe me without any evidence. Maybe that's another motive to help those poor  kids out: make everyone else see.

"Maybe I could just tell them-"

"You won't be telling anyone anything." A chilling voice snarls from behind me, dropping my heart into my stomach.

I whip around instantly, my eyes darting around and checking for even the slightest sign of movement. The streetlights are still glowing dimly through the darkness. Lightning strikes above me, illuminating the side walk around me, and that's when I see him.

My eyes widen with fear when they meet his cold, glowing gray ones. He's glaring at me, his face twisted with fury at the sight of me.

I start to back up, my eyes dropping to see something in his hand. It's long, silver, and curved. My heart stops when I realize it's a knife and I have absolutely nothing to defend myself with.

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