Bonus: Vincent's Past

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You asked, here it is(:

The above digital drawing gave me chills, thank you so much @Mukexhoodwin !

"Like I said, Foxy was always my favorite..." -"Phone Guy"

Vincent: age 10

Dad is yelling again.

I hate it when he yells. He always says he hates me and mom. It always means he's been drinking. It makes me afraid of him.

I'm upstairs, playing with my pirate ships and toys by myself, I never really had anyone to play with. I smile weakly as I move the pirates around the ship, talking to myself in my best pirate accent.

"You best be telling me where the treasure is or ye be walking the plank." I giggle, pointing a small sword at another doll with the one I was holding.

Glass shatters downstairs. I can hear the yelling getting louder. Mom's yelling too.

I get scared and rush to my bed and hid under the covers and close my eyes, hoping the yelling will stop.

It only gets louder.

I forgot to lock the door.

Moments later my father stomps up to my bedroom and yanks on the door. I squeak and whimper, hoping he can't see me.

"Boy! Stop being a child and stand up to me like a man!" My father roars, causing me to peek out from the covers.

I slowly peel the covers off and walk towards him, my hands shaking so I hide them behind my back. He doesn't like it when I act afraid.

"When will you stop playing with these dolls and grow up?" He narrows his eyes at me, his voice booming.

"I-I-..." I can't find words at first, "I like them, s-so I don't know..."

"You like playing with dolls?!" He seems very angry now, "You like acting like a girl and playing pretend? You like all those kids making fun of you?"

"I-I'm not acting like a girl!" I squeak.

His hand smacks the side of my face instantly. I cry out, but it's sad to say I'm used to it.

"Don't talk back to me." My father hisses, grabbing me by the collar of my favorite purple t-shirt, "I have another game for you to play."

My eyes are wide as he carries me to my walk in closet, and he throws my body down inside.

"It's like hide and seek, but without the seek." He laughs, his words slurring as he slams the door and I hear a lock click into place.

Tears filled my eyes for the millionth time, and I reached for the familiar comfort of my fox stuffed animal. I clutched him to my chest, and waited for this to be over.

Vincent: age 14

My mother is scared of me.

She doesn't like how I've been drinking. She doesn't like how I've been smoking either. But there's nothing she can do about it.

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