Chapter 34: Night Five: 4 a.m.

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I'm in love with this Springtrap drawing by @amendedreality


I feel horrible for leaving Ashton to face Toy Freddy and Bonnie all by himself. I didn't even hesitate really, I just ran away. I should have stayed to help him.

Guilt is a horrible corroding feeling. When people say guilt eats you alive, they aren't wrong. I'm so thankful he's okay, otherwise I would never ever forgive myself.

Along with with guilt, I'm also having a strong sense of dread. Vincent's death threat still hangs over my head like a weight, threatening to crush me at any moment. I feel like I have to watch my back, constantly checking over my shoulder for anything that may be lurking in the shadows.

"Michael?" Ashton's voice causes me to look up, I hadn't realized I'd been staring blankly at a wall for the past ten minutes.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask, clearing my throat.

"Are you alright?" He has genuine concern in his voice, raising a brow at me.

Funny how he's concerned about me when I'm the one who left him behind.

"I'm fine Ashton, well, as fund as I can be while working here..." I shrug, just being honest, "Are you alright is my question."

"Bonnie bruised my ankle when he grabbed me, but other than that, I'm okay." He also shrugs, but then he gives me a curious look, "Are you sure nothing else is bothering you?"

"I'm just upset because I left you behind. No real friend would do that." I sigh, biting my chapped bottom lip.

"First of all, I told you to go ahead. Secondly, Mike, you were scared, I understand, and I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about." Ashton offers me a small smile that eases my guilt just a little.

"If you say so, Ash. I won't leave you alone like that ever again." I promise him, standing up from the desk chair.

"Don't sweat it, Michael, I'm alright." He pats my back before heading over to join Luke sitting on the desk.

Luke again has the tablet in his pale shaky hands, checking all the rooms routinely and in a specific pattern based on importance. Calum on the other hand, has the flashlight trained on Foxy, who has stationed himself at the end of the hall.

"Make sure he doesn't get any closer, Cal." Ashton says in a firm voice, obviously still sore over the last time Foxy found him. Literally.

"I won't...He hasn't moved in a solid thirty minutes..." Calum speaks in almost a whisper, terrified of the fact that the robot may come any where near us.

"Let's hope it stays that way." Luke mumbles, winding the music box once more, "But he may not be our only problem."

"Oh, perfect. Now what?" I groan, looking over Luke's shoulder at the tablet and seeing the Kidz Cove camera, but Mangle is absent.

"Mangle is coming this way." Luke rubs his forehead, sounding so tired and done with everything.

"Woah woah wait, let her in, I need some batting practice." Ashton jokes.

"Hell no." Luke looks up suddenly, "I'm not letting that thing anywhere near me. Besides, we don't have the money to repair them."

"Oh, like the money matters anymore." I roll my eyes, looking over at Luke, "We're doing this for the kids, you know that."

"Yes, I know Michael, but-"

"Guys, it was just a joke, please don't argue about meaningless things." Ashton sighs.

"Good news, Foxy left." Calum says with a smile, turning off the flashlight.

"Good. I do not need more hideous scars." Ashton huffs, hoping down from the desk.

I raise a brow, watching as Ashton wanders a few feet into the mouth of the hall.

"Yo ho ho and a bottle of this!" He shouts down the hall, flipping the bird at him, causing us all to laugh, a much needed relief.

"Ashton you just flipped off a robot." Calum chuckles at Ash when he walks back inside.

"I'm sorry, I'm just extremly tired." Ashton laughs, probably the first time he's laughed truly this entire week.

"You're funny when you're tired." Luke says with a weak laugh, looking back down at the cameras.

"Excuse me? I'm funny all the time." Ashton smirks, raising a brow at the timid blonde.

"Keep telling yourself that, Ash." Cal laughs, actually laughs, his eyes squeezing shut as he does.

"You guys are morons." Ashton laughs along, playfully slapping the back of Calum's head.

For just this moment, we weren't scared anymore. It was just the way it has been before, the four of us acting like brothers, and picking on each other. For at least thirty minutes, we smiled, we joked, we weren't afraid. We knew we would protect each other, and maybe, just maybe, we would be okay.


Laughter. How I despise that sound.

It's a happy, joyous sound, usually emitting from the mouths of bratty children. Or in this case, nosy teenage boys.

Oh, how I hate children.

Soon, oh very very soon, I will silence that laughter. I will suffocate it out of them. I've worked too hard and waited too long.

Now is the time to act.

The knife in my callused hand is my weapon of choice, long, wide, and sharp. It glints in the low light of my apartment, casting a silver glow on the wall.

"Soon I will have my victory, soon will they fear me..." I mutter aloud, gripping the knife handle tight.

My gaze falls upon four animal masks on my small, unmade cot. A bunny, a fox, a chicken, and a bear. I take my knife in my right hand and throw the weapon across the room. It finds it's target instantly.

I grab three other knives from the counter and chuck them one by one as well. Each one impacts with a satisfying thud.

The first mask to be hit is the bunny, in the center of his forehead.

The second had hit the bear, in between his eyes.

The third hit the chicken, inside her beak.

The final knife had hit the fox, lodging itself in his eye.

I smile, satisfied with each of my targets.

"Soon...they will realize no one messes with me and lives..."

And in a sick sense of irony, I start laughing.

Sorry for not updating, school has taken over 90% of my time. And sorry this was so short, the next one may be short as well x

And sorry if the last chapter sucked, I noticed it got less votes and comments than normal so I guess it's not that good of a chapter.

This chapter was meant to give the boys a break before all hell breaks loose.

Good news, it's almost night sixxxxxxxxx...;)

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