Chapter 9: Night Two: 12 a.m.

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Audio is important;)


"That did not go well." Calum sighs as he spins in the office chair around in circles just before our shift begins.

The door is open again, but not jammed. Posters still taunt us from their spots on the walls. A weird atmosphere surrounds us. It seems the same as last night, so why do I get the feeling it won't be the same?

"We tried." I shrug, "Not much else we could do."

"He scares me." Luke says softly, hanging back in the corner of the room, "I don't like him."

"I don't think any one does Luke." Michael sighs, flicking the vent lights on and off out of boredom.

Just as the clock strikes midnight, the shrill ring of the phone cuts through the office. Guess it's time for advice. Great.

"Hello?" Calum picks up the phone and presses the speaker button.

"Ah, Hello, hello!" The phone guy starts, "Uh, see I told you your first night wouldn't be a problem. You guys are naturals!"

I roll my eyes, we are definitely not naturally good at guarding this demented pizza parlor. We apparently could have been stuffed into a mascot suit, how fun.

"Uh, by now I'm sure you've noticed the older models sitting in the back room." He continues.

"Yeah, we've seen them. Why do you keep them anyways?" Michael asks curiously.

"Uh, those are from the previous location. We just use them for parts now." Phone Guy explains to us.

"Oh, that makes more sense I guess..." I nod.

"The idea at first was to repair them...uh, they even started retrofitting them with some of the new technology, but they were just so ugly, you know? And the smell..."

"The heads do smell horrible." Michael agrees.

"Uh," Phone Guy clears his throat, "so the company decided to go a while new direction and make them super kid-friendly!"

"'Kid-friendly'." Calum makes air quotes around his head.

"Uh, those older models shouldn't be able to walk around, but if they do, the whole Freddy head trick should work on them too, soooo whatever."

"I told you guys!" Michael whisper-shouts.

"Uh, heh," the man chuckles, "I love those old characters. Did you ever see Foxy the Pirate?"

"We've seen a demented version of him." Luke mumbles.

"Oh wait, hold on...Foxy. Oh yeah Foxy! Uh, h-hey listen!" He says nervously, "That one was always a been twitchy. Uh, I'm not sure the mascot head trick will work on Foxy..."

"Well, that's amazing news!" Michael says in an angry voice dripping with sarcasm.

"If for some reason he activates during the night and you see him standing at the far end of the hall, just flash your light at him from time to time. Those older models would always get disoriented with bright light. It was cause a system restart or something." He says calmly, "Or, now you have the option of the door."

"Okay...." Luke trails off, checking the cameras as he listens.

"Come to think of it, you might want to try that on any room where something undesirable might be. It might hold them in place for a few seconds. That glitch may have carried over to the newer models too."

"Well, I guess that's a good piece of advice to remember then..." Calum laughs nervously.

"One more thing: don't forget the music box." He says in a low voice.

Luke winds it when he hears this.

"I'll be honest, I never liked that puppet thing. It was always...thinking, and it can go anywhere." He shudders.

"So that's what the music box controls? What could be so bad about a puppet?" Luke asks.

Oh, if only we had known, we never would have questioned the puppet.

"I don't think the masks will fool it, so just don't forget the music box..."

"That's great, now we have to remember fifty different things to do when we see each robot." Michael whines.

"Anyway," The Phone Guy concludes, "I'm sure it won't be a problem. Have a good night, and I'll talk to you tomorrow."

The line goes silent.

The four of us look at each other with nervous grimaces on our faces. Who knows what robots well attack us tonight? Will we remember the strategies of defense for each robot?
We didn't have much time before we would find out.

About thirty minutes after we finished the call, we heard something. It did not sound good at all. Luke immediately presses the door button and hides in a corner.

It's music...but it sounds wrong. It speeds up, and slows down, and skips. It is eerie and creepy, I don't like it one bit. I don't seem to like a lot of things here, do I?

Luke frantically flips through all the cameras and yelps, dropping the tablet when he lands on a party room. His eyes are as wide as saucers.

"I-it's Freddy, t-the old one." He shivers.

I pick up the tablet off the floor. Luke's right, there's a broken down bear face right in front of the camera, staring, the music playing loudly. I swallow before flipping the cameras to wind the box.

"Yup, Freddy is here." I sigh, "Lets just hope he doesn't get in."

The hour slowly ticks by, and the music doesn't stop. It gets to the point where Michael is covering his ears and squinting his eyes shut because he's so annoyed by it.

Then, it stops.

I flip through the cameras. When I finally find Freddy, he's back in the storage room, slumped over like he never moved in the first place. Great, one less thing to worry about.

I check through all the cameras again. I land on Pirate Cove. Foxy is gone.

I panic and flip through all the rooms, trying to find him, but I can't see him anywhere! Suddenly, a loud banging starts coming from the steel door. Luke whimpers and hides his face. Poor kid.

"Arg-g-g, m-me mateys-s! I-it's Foxy-y-y the P-Pirate!" Comes a loud and malfunctioning voice, "W-what-t b-brings ye t-to my P-Pirate Cove? C-can y-ye little p-pirates g-give me an-n (sacrifice) ar-r-g?"

The old animatronics must not be programmed to receive and intelligently respond to answers, like how the toy ones do. His voice box must just be a repeating pattern.

"R-remember to b-be s-safe a-round-d my C-cove kiddies, or else y-ye be (lostforever) be walking-g the plank-k!"

"U-uh..." Calum backs up a bit from the door as Foxy continues to knock on it.

"(Please help me) Come on kid-d-dies give F-Foxy an a-a-rrrgggg!" The voice snarls one last time.

Then it's silent, except for the heavy footsteps of Foxy running back to his Cove. The four of us let out a long breath.

"I don't want to be a pirate." Luke whimpers from the corner.

I sigh as I check the music box.

"Me either buddy. Me either..."


(The audio is how the old Freddy would make the toreador March.)

(and my last chapter got like thirty less votes than usual, I guess it sucked...whoops XD so I hope this made up for it, idk)

oh and the exact phone calls, I get from Freddy Fazbear's Wikia, not my own mind, and foxys dialogue was inspired by a video I saw on YouTube:)

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