Chapter VI

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Adrien was the first to get out of the car, and once he was outside, he turned back around and offered a hand to (y/n). Careful to not have any upskirt moments, (y/n) expertly swung her legs out from the footwell to the pavement, and once her heeled feet hit the ground, she rose fully and allowed everyone around her to see.

As soon as she got out of the car, people started whispering among themselves. Several people even got out their cell phone and began to take pictures. The mutterings didn't stop when Adrien took (y/n)'s arm and led her up the steps to the school.

All eyes were on the pair as they toured around the school grounds. Adrien at her side gave her a sense of security, and with every step she felt more confident. As they were walking past the science lab, Adrien leaned in and whispered in (y/n)'s ear.

"Y'know, its a little strange, because it seems like only yesterday Chloe was showing me around like this"

(y/n) knew the name Chloe was familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Who's Chloe? Is she one of your friends?"

Adrien laughed a little and was about to answer, but  he was stopped dead in his tracks when he saw who was standing in front of them.

"Adrikins? Qui est-ce?" (Adrikins? Who is this?)

Looking a little smug, Chloe blocked the way in front of (y/n) and Adrien's path. At first, (y/n) didn't recognize the girl, but then she began to remember her face. And she was suddenly ecstatic to see another familiar face.

"Chloe? Je suis ravi de vous revoir! Je suis (y/n), tu te souviens? Nous avions l'habitude de jouer ensemble lorsque ma famille a visité l'hôtel de votre père!" (Chloe? I'm so happy to see you again! I'm (y/n), remember? We used to play together when my family visited your father's hotel!)

Chloe suddenly remembered (y/n), more importantly to her, she remembered how famous (y/n) was.

"OMG. it really IS (y/n)! Sorry I didn't recognize you, I thought it must have been some wannabe pretending to be you. People at this school are SO lame, so that's why I'm totally excited to hang with you. This is my minion, Sabrina," She gestured vaguely behind her, "she does whatever I say, and now that we're best friends, she'll do whatever YOU say too! Isn't that so great?"

Chloe brought (y/n) into a harsh hug, (y/n) was startled by her abrasiveness at first but she just assumed it was excitement. Though she was a little confused as to why Chloe referred to her friend as a 'minion', she decided it was probably an awkward joke lost in translation, and (y/n)  laughed to ease her tension and replied back to her new made friend.

"Haha, right. Maybe we can get lunch together today, and catch up. Do you think you could show me to my first class? I'm still totally clueless about my schedule..."

(y/n) and Chloe kept chatting while she led the way to their shared first class. Adrien was trailing a close behind them, and (y/n) was grateful for that. It's not that (y/n) didn't trust Chloe, it was just that she felt a little more secure while Adrien was there.

Once they arrived at the door to their first class, Adrien had stopped (y/n) before she followed Chloe inside. He had touched her shoulder a little to get her attention, but he didn't take it away as he spoke, which made their conversation seem significantly more secrative.

"Hey, (y/n)? I'm glad that you're making friends, but I just wanted to warn you about Chloe. She may seem nice now... but just wait to see how she treats other people... please be careful, she's definitely not someone you want to get on your bad side."

(y/n) was a little taken back by Adrien's warning, Chloe just seemed like she had watched one too many American high school movies and developed the vocabulary of a teen girl magazine, but she didn't SEEM malicious or evil. Nevertheless, (y/n) trusted Adrien, so she took his words to heart.

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