Chapter IV

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As Lone Wolf jumped from building to building, trying to find her path home, she noticed that she had grown a shadow.

A shadow; that was closely following behind, at first, she thought it might have been a villain, but after she managed to catch a glimpse of a shimmering green eye, she knew who that perpetrator truly was.

(y/n) concocted a plan to lure him out, of course, she didn't see anyone nearby but it was just a lot more fun to make him chase her for a while.

She made a sharp turn to the right and quickly hid behind a chimney, forcing Chat to get closer and overtake her. Once she had a clear view of Chat's back, she reached out and grasped his leather tail, yanking it back and causing him to fall back.

But before Chat hit the ground, (y/n) had moved out of the way and hid herself again. Leaving a very perplexed Chat Noir wondering how he was brought down. While still on the ground, he propped himself up by his elbows and looked around the roof where he landed, no one was in view.

Suddenly, Chat's attention snapped back in front of him.

There, (y/n) was, sitting in a hollywood pose atop another chimney. Chat admittedly was a little breath taken by the view.

Behind her, the moon shone silver light onto her. The light created a sort of halo around her messy hair. The scene almost made her seem angelic, and coupled with her masterful pose, Chat's eyes couldn't help being drawn to her.

(y/n) gave a wolf whistle that echoed throughout the empty night.

"Watch your step... You might trip"

Though far away, her voice was very crisp and loud. Chat could hear her very clearly and it was almost scary how much of his attention she captivated .

Embarrassed from his fall, Chat quickly got up and brushed himself off. In an attempt to seem cool, he leaned against the brick wall of the building. Acting as nonchalant as possible in the given circumstances.

"Are you separated from the pack, Cub?"

(y/n) jumped down from her chimney perch and approached Chat, watching him intently as he writhed under her gaze.

"That's not my name, Chat. Call me Lune or don't call me at all"

Chat lost his usual confidence as she came up to him. She stared so deeply into his eyes and it made him feel very vulnerable. Under this pressure, he noticed for the first time how pretty her face was,

When they were fighting and talking he didn't really pay much attention, but up close, he saw how perfectly sculpted her features were. Even under the mask, she radiated beauty.

Chat gulped before responding, remembering his spirit..

"Not a fan of nicknames? As you wish... Doll"

Truth be told, (y/n) had no real interest in Chat at the moment, but she found it fun to toy, so continued to tease. It was nice to see someone who was willing to snap back, usually (y/n) could bat her eyes and every man would turn to putty in her hands.

But she suspected Chat would be different. His spouts of goofiness gave him an air of genuineness that was hard to come by in her field. Her eyes trailed down from his mask to his neck, where a little golden bell hung.

She picked it up and held it between her fingers, it jingled a little and she smirked.

"Clean up your Cat-titude. Don't want to get bitten"

Chat took a bold move and snatched her hand away from his neck, he held onto her wrist for a moment and then let it go. The sound of the different fabrics rubbing together peaked chat's ears, the silence that followed allowed for him to engrain the sound in his memory.

A Model's Secrets (Adrien/Chat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now