Chapter III

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The action taking place on the roof largely consisted of a certain Prince Charming waving his sword around and Ladybug and Chat Noir trying to avoid it's swipes as best they could.

They tried their hardest to get to his akuma, but they had to be wary of his sword, because with one wrong move, they would be turned into frogs, and rendered useless to stop him.

Ladybug's patience was running low, and Chat was starting to run low on fairy tale themed puns to jest him with.

"Chat, je vais utiliser mon porte-bonheur. Lone Wolf n'a pas l'air de se présenter. Nous devons le combattre par nous-mêmes" (Chat, I'm going to use my lucky charm. Lone Wolf doesn't look like she's showing up. We have to fight him on our own.)

But just as she said that, a door opened and a certain blue toned bad-ass made an entrance.

"Je déteste être le grand méchant loup, mais je pensais que ce conte de fées devait finir" (I hate to be the big bad wolf, but I thought this fairy tale needed to come to an end.)

Prince turned to Lone Wolf and pointed his sword at her aggressively.

"Qu'avez-vous fait avec (y/n)?" (What have you done with (y/n)?)

Lone Wolf casually sauntered over to see Prince Charming face to face. She got closer to him than the others dared to go, but she still seemed fearless. Dividing the two sides, she let Ladybug and Chat Noir catch their breath.

"Elle est en sécurité. Vous n'avez pas à vous soucier d'elle, Prince Charmant".(She's safe. You don't have to worry about her, Prince Charming)

The Prince's face twisted into a frustrated expression, one like a child who's toy had been taken away.

"tu ne comprends pas, elle m'aime. Vous devez la ramener maintenant ou je vais vous transformer tous en grenouilles." (you don't understand, she loves me. You have to bring her back right now or I will turn you all into frogs.)

He drew his sword back, ready to swing, but his voice trembled with uncertainty.

"Je dois l'avoir. Je dois la protéger. Tu ne comprends pas. Elle a besoin de moi. Regardez tout ce que j'ai fait pour elle, elle DOIT m'aimer. RETOURNEZ-ELLE À MOI MAINTENANT!" (I have to have her. I have to protect her. You don't understand. She needs me. Look at everything I did for her, she HAS to love me. RETURN HER TO ME NOW!)

Clearly becoming more unhinged by his obsession. Lone Wolf pondered for a minute on how to calm his temper and open a window to snatch his akuma, which she speculated was in his sword.

"Je ne vais pas faire ça. Mais je peux vous dire avec certitude que (y/n) ne vous aime pas." (I'm not going to do that. But I can tell you for a fact that (y/n) doesn't love you.)

Hearing that made him visibly more agitated and Lone Wolf quickly back tracked her statement.

"Ce que je veux dire est; elle ne t'aimera pas comme ça." (What I mean is; she won't love you like this.)

The prince softened his stance upon hearing this, that spark of a chance that (y/n) could one day love him was too irresistible to his yearning heart.

"Pensez-vous vraiment qu'elle pourrait m'aimer?"(Do you really think she could love me?)

Lone Wolf slowly moved a step closer and lowered her voice to try and connect, still wary of any sudden moves on his part.

"Bien sûr, Je la connais et je lui ai même sauvé la vie une fois. Et elle ne vous aimera pas si vous la forces." (Of course , I know her, I even saved her life once. And she won't love you if you force her.)

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