Chapter XI

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The door of the limousine swung open as the doorman of the hotel greeted the ladies. They expertly exited the car and entered the lobby of the hotel.

As they passed, the hotel staff stared. But not at (y/n)... at Chloe. They were all cowering in her presence. It was on parr with her character.

Chloe and (y/n) entered another elevator; she pulled a card out of her purse and hovered it over a security pad. She pressed a button high on the panel, and the motor of the elevator began.

"Cool right? That's like, one of the many perks of living in an uber high class hotel. This elevator goes RIGHT to my room. These 2 floors are all mine. This one is just my closet."

(y/n) always thought it was in incredibly bad taste to flaunt one's wealth like Chloe did. (y/n) always stuck to the mentality of appreciation and gratitude for luxury.

"I like your purse, by the way. Chanel?"

Chloe hummed in response.

"Yeah. Totally."

There was awkward silence in the elevator until the doors opened. Chloe stormed inside and started shedding clothes, bags, and shoes. She left them strewn about the floor.

Chloe stripped herself and put on a long robe. She sat herself on a chair in the bathroom and started to take out piles and piles of makeup.

(y/n) was left to take a tour of Chloes room, she peered around at the ornate golden decor. It was clear that she had a part in decorating. Everywhere you looked there was gold, and crystal and creme and it was beginning to make (y/n) nauseous.

"WHAT are you looking at?"

(y/n) was snapped back to Chloe, who had replaced the delicate makeup from the photoshoot with a thick and gaudy slather.

Eyelashes too big for her face were plastered over glittery gold eyeshadow. She had copious amounts of highlighter on and heavy amounts of lip gloss.

In (y/n)'s opinion, Chloe did have nice features, but the makeup she was so insistent on applying, diminished her beauty, instead of enhancing.

However, it was not her face and not (y/n)'s place to point it out.

"Sorry, Chloe. I was just looking around; your room is very pretty."

Chloe turned to the closest mirror and continued tweaking and messing with her face.

"Oh... Thats fine, I guess. Anyways-"

Chloe sauntered over to where (y/n) was standing. She fiddled with the collar of (y/n)'s pollo dress, which she was still wearing.

"You should really change. And do your makeup. Let me show you to your room... I'm sick of you hovering over me."

Chloe grasped (y/n)'s wrist and pulled her back to the elevator once more. But once the door opened. Chloe and (y/n) were surprised to see Sabrina standing there, with piles and piles of papers and binders in her arms.

"Uhm. Salut Chloé ! J'ai fait tous vos devoirs comme tu demandé! ( Hey Chloe! I did all your homework like you asked!) Oh... Hello (y/n). I... didn't know you were here!"

"OF COURSE (y/n) is here. We're like, best friends now. Now get out of my way. I'm showing (y/n) to her room."

Chloe pushed passed Sabrina and took (y/n) into the elevator. Sabrina's eyes were glued to the floor,

"Mais... Chloe. Je pensais que vous et moi étions les meilleurs amis. (I thought you and I were best friends)"

Chloe sighed deeply as she pressed the button.

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