Chapter I

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Between the time that (y/n)'s plane took off, and the time it took to cross the English Channel, chaos rained from the sky in the form of a dashing young man with a fairy tale fetish.

This Prince Charming Character was running rampant around the streets of Paris, turning innocent citizens into toads.

Chat Noir and Ladybug were nowhere to be found, and the people who weren't transformed into amphibians were getting worried about their absence.

Humans were getting more and more sparse in the streets, the roads were being overrun with hopping green things. Lone Wolf was definitely up for a fight this time, if she got her act together before she landed... which she did not.

As the plane landed, the whole airport was in a frenzy from everything going on in the city, and as soon as the doors of the cabin opened, 20 or so armed guards barged in and took a hold of (y/n).

"What the hell is going on?" (y/n) questioned as she was rushed down a ramp and led through a series of long, ominous hallways.

The guards didn't say a word. (y/n) assumed they were police or some kind of authority, but that didn't excuse her mistreatment.

"Let me GO! And tell me where you're taking me!" (y/n) shook her arm free from the grip of one of the guards and stared daggers towards the rest

"(y/n) nous devons vous amener dans une zone sécurisée. Il y a une menace de kidnapping."

The guard spoke very quickly and in a very harsh tone, and her brain was too frazzled to translate and completely lost patience with the situation.


The guard obviously didn't understand, either because of her yelling or just a plain language barrier, regardless they just continued pushing her in an unknown direction.

"You can't just DO THIS. You have to explain things to me! I refuse to be treated like this! Someone PLEASE tell me WHAT IS GOING ON?"

All heads turned at (y/n)'s sudden outburst. quite the stray from the docile personality most of the public knew and loved. This was very out of character for her and it was an obvious shock to the guards.

In that moment of silence; crashes and bangs echoed in the distance, the guards pressed on with a very displeased (y/n) in hand. And as the group passed through many hallways, (y/n) began to get more impatient and eventually the gears in her mind started turning.

She started to piece together mismatched words she heard along the way. "enlèvement""grenouilles""Paris""Chat Noir""Coccinelle"

( Kidnapping... frogs... Paris... Chat Noir... Ladybug)

None of the words seemed to make any sense... until all of a sudden... they did.

The pixels in (y/n)'s mind cleared into a picture. The words "Akuma" barely even left her glossed-lips, when the bangs from outside got more frequent. And before she knew it, a hole was blown into the wall behind them.

The dust cleared and in between the rubble, stood a dashing white horse with a dashing young man.

The man on the horse looked young, around (y/n)'s age, he had swept back dark brown hair behind a sophisticated golden crown. His skin was a beautiful tan colour and it made his teeth look more white. He had a cliche prince outfit on as well, but instead of it looking like a costume, it looked authentic and incredibly expensive

The guards around (y/n) formed a protective circle, aiming their guns at him. Ready to protect her.

The man tugged on the rains of his horse and the white stallion trotted around and over the broken bits of wall and metal.

A Model's Secrets (Adrien/Chat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now