Chapter II

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In the end, (y/n) decided to wait for Ladybug and Chat Noir. However scary it was leaving one's life in strangers' hands, she trusted that Chat Noir and Ladybug would come to her rescue.

Regardless of this trust that (y/n) had for those superheroes, her heart was almost beating out of her chest. The thumping of her blood in her veins made it impossible to hear anything else and she could barely focus on making her way back up to the rooftop where 'Prince Charming' awaited.

The ruffles and tulle had to be gathered in fistfuls in order to be able to trek up the large staircase leading to the roof terrace. (y/n) was struggling with these stairs, both because of the sheer radius of the ballgown, and because of her heels getting caught in the fabric.

Upon (y/n)'s reentry onto the roof, Prince Charming stood for a moment, and was taken aback by her appearance. (y/n) noticed his breath hitched a little as his eyes gazed up and down her body.

"Ah... my princess... you look stunning" Prince held out a hand for (y/n) to take. "Shall we dance mon chéri?".

As if on queue, smooth waltz music began to play, seemingly out of nowhere. (y/n) reluctantly took his hand and placed her hands around his neck, although rigid at first, she attempted to move her hips to the music.

Prince was blushing and holding onto her waist, he tried to be smooth, but his arms didn't fit into the dips of her waist, and his feet shuffled awkwardly.

It was painfully obvious that he was nervous around (y/n). She could almost hear his beating heart because she was so close. She even noticed his breath was a little labored, as if he was putting in a great amount of effort into something.

(y/n)'s eyes trailed up from his collar to his eyes, she tried to look into the person behind the akumatization, but it was clear that the man previously there was now overrun with one singular purpose, and only his heightened emotions could direct him.

Prince seemed to dislike (y/n) starting so intently into his eyes, he forcefully pulled her onto his chest, and let her head lay against him. Her face turned away and outward to the Paris skyline, observing the few and far between sky scraper lights of the desecrated city.

With the new confidence of avoiding eye contact, the Prince whispered into her ear. "You look so good in blue, my dear." and the pair began to spin in slow circles around the courtyard.

This gave (y/n) the perfect opportunity to survey the area for possible exits and windows to escape. With every sway and every rock, she got a better idea of the layout of the rooftop and possible exit plans. Even though she didn't have her powers, (y/n) knew that she wasn't completely helpless, and she could still fight to the best of her abilities.

As (y/n) was inspecting every building top beside her, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of red. She suspected it could possibly be Ladybug and Chat Noir coming to help her.

(y/n) trusted that theory and thought it best to give a sign to show that she knew they were there. While her head was turned, she mouthed into the blackness "Aide-moi" (Help me). She hoped that they were looking for her sign of helplessness.

In that blackness, perched on a neighboring building, Chat Noir was steadily watching both figures, when the signal was fired by (y/n), he nudged Ladybug and whispered into her ear.

"La fille nous a vus. Elle sait que nous sommes ici ... Elle a l'air effrayée ... devrions-nous attaquer?" (The girl saw us. She knows we're here ... She looks scared ... should we attack?)

Ladybug sighed and shook her head.

"Non, nous devons attendre le moment parfait. Nous devons attendre qu'il soit distrait." (No, we have to wait for the perfect moment. We have to wait until he's distracted.)

A Model's Secrets (Adrien/Chat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now