Chapter 31; A Wedding to Remember

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The swoosh of shades and bright light in my sleepy eyes woke me. As I gradually came one with reality, I realized I was surrounded by many faces who were watching me. I rolled myself over to look at the time. It was 7:30. What were they thinking?

"What the heck are you guys doing in here-" I froze for it had just hit me. My eyes grew wide and my mouth opened slightly. "I'm getting married

today," I whispered. "Oh my God." All the faces smiled and giggles broke the silence.

I sat up in my old bed. Chris and I had decided to have the wedding in my parents' backyard in Ontario.It was a beautiful view of Lake Onaping. Crystal blue water lined with deep green pine trees. I ran to the window to c

heck the weather. Little, thin clouds scattered the sky. I poked my hand through the opening of the window. It was completely dry. There was a cool breeze swarming around the air. I closed my eyes and smiled as I felt the air. I couldn't have asked for a greater day.

Someone cleared their throat. I turned around to see all of my bridesmaids. Every single one of them were wearing a corset tied tightly around their torsos. They stood there with their bras pressed against their breasts and underwear or thongs. I wasn't surprised to see that a majority of girls

were wearing thongs. They all had curlers in their hair and looked as though they had just jumped out of the shower and were completely makeup-free.

My bridesmaids were as listed: Rebekah, Sam, Lindsay, Lauren, Emma, Svetlana, and Svea. My maid of honor was Juliana.

I heard my bedroom door open. I tried to see past the crowd of girls. "Girls, finish getting ready. You can come in once you are. I will get Hannah prepared," my mother's voice said. I watche

d as the eight girls filed out of my room, leaving my mother behind. She just looked at me and sighed. "My baby is all grown up now..." She gasped, holding back her tears.

"Mom, I'm not married yet," I sighed, laughing. I watched as she shook her head and went inside the closet to pull out my dress. My eyes burst into flames from looking at it. It was

positively g

orgeous. She walked towards me with the dress in one hand and a corset in the other. The tossed them on the bed and finished walking to me. She took my night gown off and ushered me to the shower.

"Be quick but be thorough," my mom instructed. I rolled my eyes and turned the water on.

"Emma and Svea! Get this corset tightened around her!" My mom yelled. The two woman came running at me, picked the corset up off the bed, and wrapped it around me. Svea held it closed on my body while Emma tied the corset. Lace by lace,I felt myself more constricted.

"Okay," Emma breathed, shaking her arms out. "Done." I let out a hug

e sigh, f

eeling my stomach press against the hard corset.

"Get her in

the dress! And carefully. Don't mess up her hair," my mom shouted through the room. It reminded me so much of Babs that I laughed a little.

Sam, Lindsay, and Lauren delicately grabbed the dress from the bed and helped to pull it over my head, being cautious about the curl rollers in my hair. With a quick zip the dress was on. My fingertips brisked the material of the gown. I slowly began to walk towards the mirror but was suddenly pulled back. "No! You are not allowed to look until we're finished with you," Juliana said, smiling. She reached up and gently touched my curlers. She waved over Rebekah. "Hey, does it feel like her hair is dry?" Rebekah reached up and touched the curlers.

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