Chapter 12; Whipped Cream Wars

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My eyes opened slowly. The sunlight creeping through the shades shown brightly in my eyes. I moved my eyes around. I acknowledged that Chris and I were in pretty much the same position as last nigh, but I was leaning on him more. He was holding my hand with his left arm and had his right around my shoulders, breathing steadily.

I rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb. I lay there, staring up at the ceiling, thinking back to last night.

"Good morning," Chris greeted me with his adorable Canadian accent. I looked over to his smiling face. I smiled back.

"Good morning, dear," I replied.

He slowly lifted his body off the pillow to hover over me. He stared at me with admiring eyes. I began to giggle.

"W-what?" I asked, still giggling.

"You are just so beautiful. Every time I look at you- your hair, your eyes, your smile all draw me to you."

I felt like I was about to cry. No one had ever said anything that sweet to me before.

"Oh, Chris!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. I ran my fingers through his hair as he moved his hands up and down my sides again, making me shiver.

We sat there, kissing, for a few minutes until I realized how hungry I was. I pulled away from him, regretfully, to speak.

"I'm hungry!"

"That makes two of us!" He lifted himself off of me and sat on the edge of the couch, grabbing his socks off the floor and pulling them on. It was pretty cold right now.

I sat up, looking around the room for my dad's jersey to throw on. That would keep me warmer. Chris saw that I couldn't find it and walked over to me. He placed his sports jacket on my shoulders. I looked up to him with worried eyes.

"What if I get it dirty? I don't wanna mess it up..." I complained.

"I trust you. And even if you do do something to it, there is always the dry cleaner!" Chris reassured me. I smiled up at him as I slid my arms through the sleeves.

"Thank you, Chris." He squeezed me firmly before walking into the kitchen.

It smelled strongly of him and I occasionally grabbed the collar of the shirt in my hands and brought it to my nose to take in his scent. I could easily get intoxicated by it.

I smelled something cooking in the kitchen. I walked around the couch only to slip and fall hard on my butt. Well, I found my jersey. Chris let out a loud laugh while at the stove, cooking pancakes. I got up, placing the jersey on the armrest of the couch.

"You seem to have found everything alright I see." He turned and smiled at me as he put two pancakes on two plates. He dug his hand into the chocolate chip bag and threw them all over the two plates of pancakes. They melted instantly, looking delicious. He set them down in front of me, grabbing the syrup bottle and squeezing it all over the pancakes. Chris then walked to the fridge and pulled out my whipped cream.

"Woe, Chris! I think you've sweetened them up quite enough! I have a huge sweet tooth but that may be way too much for me!" I said while trying to take the bottle out of his hands. I must have pressed the nozzle because seconds later I ended up with whipped cream in my face. I stopped fighting for the bottle, took a step back, and wiped the cream out of my eyes and on to the floor it fell. I looked up at him with my jaw dropped.

"What?" he asked laughing hard now.

"Look at me! Look at this! Do you not see-" He pointed the container at me and sprayed whipped cream at my chest and it fell down his blazer. It was so cold and made me jump when it got to my stomach. I looked up at him with an angry look but then realized there was another bottle in the fridge. My anger turned to a devious smile as I whipped my body around and opened the door to the fridge, pulling out the other bottle of cream.

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