Chapter 3; Screaming?

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I managed to eventually fall asleep but my unconscious mind was still able to draw Chris up in my dreams. I could have sworn that I saw him pop up once or twice.

I was beginning to fall back asleep after the alarm went off until Sam ran towards me, jumped on top of me and began partly screaming.

"What happened? Tell me everything! Wake up you douche!" She had her hands on my shoulders, shaking me wildly now.

"Sam stop it! You're giving me a headache!" I yelled back. "And you're probably waking the whole hotel up!"

"Just tell me!" she demanded.

"We just went to McDonalds and talked! Then he brought me here! That's all! Nothing too exciting!" I spat at her.

"Did you guys kiss? Ooh tell me you guys kissed!" she was screaming again.

"He just kissed my cheek! Again- Sam, if you shake me one more time- again nothing exciting!"

There was a knock on the door. I got up to answer, thinking that there was no doubt that it was probably someone from the lobby telling us to shut up.

It was actually Aaron. I opened the door barely an inch and he came running through the door with a bat from God only knows where. I heard Sam scream at the sight of a wild Aaron.

"What the hell, Aar?" I yelled.

"I heard screaming! I thought someone was, you know, swingin' a bat around, tryin to hurt you gals!" Sam and I burst out laughing.

"Ah, thanks for coming to the rescue Aar but the only person swinging a bat around is you," I gave him a small hug and at the same time attempted to take the bat out of his hands.

"So then why were you guys screaming?" he asked, a but confused.

"Oh yea! Ozzie brought Hannah out to dinner last night! I was trying to get it out of her." My laughing stopped. She looked at me confused but I made a face back to her that said I didn't want to tell him.

"Woe now! Did I permit this? I thought I was your man! Not OsBAD!" I began laughing again..

"Shut up and go get ready for Colorado!" I said. He took the bat back and I watched him go through our door to the door across from us. He knocked, hid on the side, and when Mac came to the door, Aaron came running at him with the bat in the air, like a mad man. Scared him half to death and his roommate, Huds, as well.

"You fuckin' ass! Get out!" I heard Mac yell. Aaron came out laughing like there was no tomorrow. I rolled my eyes and shut the door. Then continued to pack for Colorado myself. As Aaron's pranks slid out of my mind, Chris found his way back in.

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