Chapter 19; Sweden, Here I Come

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It had been a nice month and a half. We were playing well and were at the 4th seed. All my friends had been doing justice at keeping my mind off of what happened between Chris and I. Occasionally when I did think about it, it hurt. Bad. Even though we hadn't been together for a very long time, I really liked him and never thought that he would be one to do something like what he had done.

On a brighter note, Jon and I would talk after games or on off- days about what to do when we go to Sweden. He got us plane tickets the day after he told me he would take me. They were first class seats on a 747 jet. Each time we talked about it, I got more and more excited.

Well, finally All- Star weekend came. I was Thursday, February 21. I got my suitcase from the closet and placed it on the bed. I turned back to my closet and began going through everything I had. Jon had said that it would be very cold so dress warmly. I pulled out 4 pairs of skinny jeans, 3 pairs of sweatpants, 3 Tshirts, 5 long- sleeved shirts, and some sweat shirts. I then looked for a dress. Jon told me that he was going to take me to dinner at one of his favorite restaurants, but it was very formal.

I couldn't find any good dress. The ones I had were all too summery. One was purple with spaghetti straps. It had pink, yellow, and purple flowers. It flared out from the hip and came down above my knee. Another was yellow. It looked identical in shape but had yellow and white flowers. The last one was just plain green with spaghetti straps and a V- neck. I had no idea what to do. Our plane left tomorrow morning at 9 and I had no good dress to wear.

I dialed up Sam.

"Hello?" Sam answered.

"Sam! I don't have a dress!" I screeched into the phone.

"What about that pretty purple dress? Everyone says you look great in purple."

"You dumbass! We're going to Sweden! Not the Caribbean! I need something that covers my legs more!"

"Then let's go dress shopping. Wait lemme ask Julz- Hey Julz! You're comin' dress shopping with us! Hannah needs a dress for Sweden!" It was quiet for a moment but I could hear Juliana faintly replying to Sam's command. "She's coming. Come pick us up now."

"Okay! Thank you so much!" I hung up and got my shoes on. I grabbed the keys off the counter and ran out the door and down the stairs. I ran so fast down the steps that I almost fell the rest of the way down, but I caught myself in time.

We went to Macy's. They had great dresses there and for decent prices. We looked around at every single dress they had and I tried on all of them for an hour. When we were beginning to lose hope in Macy's, I came across something very elegant. It caught my eye immediately and I knew it was the one. I grabbed the one supposedly in my size and ran for the dressing room, Juliana and Sam flanking me.

Carefully, I stepped into the dress and pulled it up my body and placed the tiny straps on my shoulders. I turned to face the mirror and was stunned. It was beautiful but wasn't made to pop out. It was black. It had a V- neck that wasn't too terribly low but not too high. From the middle of the V and going down to about my belly button was a metallic- silver strip. The straps where spaghetti and formed an X on my back and then a tear drop shape where the strap meets the dress. The dress sweeps the floor. It was perfect. And damn comfortable.

Before checking out we searched out a black, cotton sweater to go over the dress. I didn't worry about shoes because I already had a pair of pumps at home. Compared to Jon, I was really short so I wanted to wear pumps as often as possible.

During the ride home I told the girls about our plans for Sweden were.

I finally finished packing and set my suitcase by the door. I ordered pizza and sat on the couch and watched an episode of Planet Earth. Jon called and I ran for my cell to answer it.

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