Chapter 24; Not Another Day Without You

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Once I pulled into my parking space, I looked up to where my apartment window was and saw the lights on and some movement.

Using my bag as an umbrella, I ran from my car to the building and made my way up the stairs slowly.

Once I got to my landing, I heard to door next to me unlock and swing open. I turned to see Timmy carefully make his way through the door, a nervous look in his eyes.

"Hey, Timmy. How are you?" I said, kindly. He looked back at me, confused by my calm manner.

"Um... I got these for you..." Timmy said, bringing a bouquet of flowers around from behind his back.

They were beautiful. Red and white roses.

"Aw, Timmy! Thank you! They're wonderful! And my favorite colors, too!" I exclaimed, taking them from his hands.

"Happy birthday, Hannah," he mumbled before walking back in his apartment.

Before he could close the door, I stopped him and gave him a quick hug and a small kiss on his forehead. He smiled and hazily closed the door after himself. I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I opened my apartment door.

Again, for like the third time in a week, I was attacked by people coming through a door.

"Happy birthday!" they all shouted, tugging me inside and closing my door.

I smelled something delicious. I walked into the kitchen and found my absolute favorite, chicken peccatta. The lemony smell made my mouth water.

"Can we eat now? I'm starving!" I asked.

My dad walked over to me, holding his arms out for a hug.

"Can I say hello to my little girl first? Well, not so little anymore..." he said once I got to him.

"Oh, shut up, Dad. 20's not that old."

"It may not be for you but it sure makes me feel old! Before you know it, Lisa and I will be raising your grandchildren while you travel around the country!"

We all began laughing as I went for some plates. Everyone sat down at the table while I dished up the chicken.

I sat down and we all began to eat.

"Dad, did you make this or Mom?" I asked.

"Of course your mother. I can't cook this stuff," he replied, pointing at his plate.

"Well please give my compliments to the chef back home!" Rebekah said with a piece of chicken in her mouth.

Once we finished eating, I took everyone's plates to the sink and brought the cake over to be cut.

Dad lit the candles and the familiar birthday song was played once again for me.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Hannah! Happy birthday to you!" they all sung.

Again, I blew out the candles then preceded to cut the cake, handing a piece to my dad, Drapes, Malts, Juliana, Beka, Lindsay, Sam, Lauren, Meechy, Helmer, and Val. Well there would be no seconds for anybody because there were only two pieces left. I should have made a bigger cake.

Once we finished, we moved to the couch and watched Slap Shot, one of my favorite movies. By the time we popped in the disk, it was nearing 11:30 and Helmer, Meechy, and Val were falling asleep fast, leaning down on their girls. Drapes and Malts were soon to follow.

I laughed in my head at my struggling friends but suddenly felt alone. I had no one anymore. Instead of sitting with someone I cared about, I was sitting next to my dad. Of course I really cared about him, he's my dad for Christ's sake, but it wasn't the same as having someone you love passionately sitting with you.

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