Chapter 27; 11 Seconds

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My breath caught in my throat. Everything about my body was still. Did he really just tell me he loved me? I was completely lost but suddenly felt my heart race. I looked up to those blue eyes I loved to observe every day. I was speechless. My lips moved but nothing came out. Instead, I pulled him into a great hug, listening to Chris's loud heart beat.

Again, I looked up to him but pulled him down for a kiss. It was unforgettable for both of us. The way I kissed him, I was sure he knew I loved him back. But the way he kissed me... Had he not told me ahead of time that he was in love with me, I would have already been able to read it off his lips.

I pulled him away but kept my fingers locked behind his neck to keep him at my level. I looked deep into his eyes. They seemed to glow. And what felt incredible was that he was looking directly into mine, not anywhere else. It showed me another sign that he truly loved me for me and not my body and the pleasure I bring him.

"Christopher John Osgood," I spoke silently.

"Hannah Grace Yzerman," Chris replied with a smile.

"If I didn't love you back then I would be insane," I breathed.

"Oh, Hannah! I love you so much. You know exactly how to put a smile on my face."


Time flies too fast when you really don't want it to. Before we knew it, it was playoff time. It wasn't fun and games anymore, not like it was before. But now there was no more love at night, less time together, more practice time, and definitely more sleep time. Even though Dom had the lead role, Chris still needed as much rest to be able to come in whenever needed.

By the time I got to the Joe on April 10 for Game 1 against the Predators, fans had already been filing in. Some recognized me and asked for signatures. Of course, I willingly signed anything they put in my face. I've always had a huge appreciation for my fans. Even though I wasn't a great and famous hockey player in the NHL, they treated me like I was one. They loved the fact that all through my life I had always been there for my dad, the good and bad times. I always had something to say to put a smile on his face.

I handed the last of the fans' things to them and walked down the hall to the locker room. The game was going to start in ten minutes. The Wings and Preds had already done their pre-game warm ups and were being their superstitious selves. I approached the locker room door and saw Sam and Darren Helm. Sam was standing on her tippy-toes on Helmer's skates, arms completely wrapped around his neck for extra support, and kissing so passionately that you could throw up. As much as I loved Chris, I couldn't even attempt what Helmer and Sam were pulling off. In utter disgust, I pushed on to the locker room.

It was silent. But not as silent as when I entered the locker room on the night of Game 5 back in 2002, where we were all praying for a miracle. And got it. I remember that night so clearly. I was all too thrilled because dad let me drink champaign from the Cup. Something I'd never been able to do before. I felt like I'd finally grown up. I was 14. And had no idea about the chaotic life I would have as a real adult.

Chris was sitting in his stall, eyes closed, head down, fingers locked together between his legs. He didn't have anything on from waist up. His helmet, equipment, and sweater were hanging up behind him. He only had his shorts, socks, and skates on. He looked so concentrated. I was afraid to break Chris from that state and cause him to think I'd blown the whole series for them. Hockey players and their stupid superstitiousness...

Babs broke the silence by wishing them luck, reminding them how good of a team they were, and that they shouldn't worry. Then ushered them to the ice. Chris threw on what he'd taken off and was about wobble away but I caught his arm.

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