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"How do you feel, hunny?" Kimberly stepped into her daughter's room, two cups of hot chocolate in her hand, one for her daughter and the other for herself.

"Like shit." Ari groaned, took the mug from her mother and took a sip.

"I'm not surprised." Kim had a sympathetic smile. She patted her daughters head slightly and wrapped an arm around her.

"Why aren't you pissed at me?" Ari placed her mug in her nightstand and cuddled into her mother, similar to how she did when younger after having a nightmare.

"Believe me, your brother and father are." Kim shook her head and squeezed her daughter tighter. Swirling a lock of hair around her her finger.

"So why aren't you?"

"I grew up with Tadcu and mamgu being overly protective. Anything I did wrong in the slightest Pam would scream for hours and that never made me listen, just made me feel depressed. I don't want that for you so instead I want to sit here and listen to you tell me why you did it." Kimberly explained truthfully.

"Thank you, mam." Arabella smiled.

"So come on, explain." Kim urged.

"I met them a few months back, Izzy had annoyed me so I walked off and sat at the park for a while." Arabella began.

"Wasn't there a guard with you?" Kimberly questioned.

"No, I was at Masons house but she took a nap and Ricky was at work so we were alone and after an argument I just walked out for a while. I sat at the park on the swing just swinging back and forth until this girl came up to me and started talking. We talked for a while until she introduced me to her friends, that's the two boys that were there. They added me on snapchat and we've been talking for a while since then."

Kim sighed. That bastard Snapchat. "And they started giving you drugs?"

"Well they started introducing me to different drugs. I've tried magic mushrooms, salvia and weed." Ari spoke truthfully.

Kim sighed. "Okay, well I'm going to get the doctor to come see you to check everything is okay with you soon, okay?" Ari nodded. "I don't want you doing this stuff, Ari. I've always told you if you wanted to try alcohol then ask and you can, I don't exactly feel the same about drugs I will admit but there's no need to do that stuff at your age."

"I am really sorry." Bella meant it too.

"You know how my parents are the way they are?" Arabella knew that her mothers parents didn't exactly have the best of lives.


"Because they spend all their money on drugs. I'm not lying just to try and convince you not to do it anymore, I'm serious. All they ever cared about when I was younger was their drugs and so they plummeted into poverty."

"Oh." Ari mumbled. "I won't do it anymore, I promise mumma."

"But I don't want you promising me something if you know you can't stick to it." Kimberly took a sip from her mug and laid further into her daughters large bed.

"I promise I'll try not to bother with those-"

"Well you're in the tabloids." Jenkin entered his sisters room without knocking first.

"What do you mean?" Arabella sat up slightly and looked at her brother, eyebrows furrowed.

"Look." 𝙹𝚎𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗 sat besides his mother and showed the two girls his iPad which held a whole article on how Arabella Mitchell had been drinking and doing drugs at only fourteen years of age.

Then Robert walked into the room. "You feeling okay, sweetheart?" He walked over to Ari and kissed the top of her head before taking a seat at the end of her bed. Ari nodded with a small smile.

There were three photos, one of Arabella over Ethan's shoulder after he had finally caught her, another of a worried looking Kimberly and a frustrated looking Robert, and finally another of Jackson covering Arabella's face with his jacket.

"Great, they caught her face." Robert sighed.

"I'm so sorry, Pa." Arabella shook her head in sadness.

Robert hugged his daughter. "It's okay."

"Read it out." Kimberly instructed Jenkin.

"The Mitchell's daughter found under the influence of Alcohol and LSD. Arabella Mitchell and her three friends; Lexi Shaw, Matthew Tucker and Zachery Makkink were all under the influence but only Arabella's parents showed up. Zachery said 'She's a chill girl, always enjoyed it, but of course her parents had to come and ruin it all.' So maybe Arabella isn't as much of a good girl as made out to be. The-"

"Okay that's enough." Kimberly shook her head.

"So Zack phoned the press?" Ari mumbled.

"It appears so, baby." Robert nodded.

"Ugh." She groaned. "What a total and utter tool."

Kimberly giggled her daughter tight. "It's okay, we'll get it sorted."

"I'm sorry about it all, I really am." Ari mumbled in sadness.

"Get some more sleep. I bet your head is hurting badly." Robert tapped his daughter's leg and stood from the bed, Jenkin following his father's actions.

"If you need anything shoot me a text." Jenkin smiled.

Kimberly went to stand from her daughters bed but Ari whined. "Can you stay? My heads hurting really badly, Mumma."

"Of course I can, princess. Maybe that'll teach you not to do those things." Kimberly wrapped her daughter and herself up in the blanket and Arabella hugged her mother tightly.

"I know." She mumbled. "Can you make it stop? My head hurts so bad."

"Pinch your top lip." Kimberly spoke simply.

Ari placed a finger in between her teeth and her top lip, and another on her Cupid's bow before pinching. "Like this?"

Kim nodded. "Helping?"

"A little."

"So it's agreed, you aren't doing this anymore?" Kimberly mentioned once again.

"Yes, Mumma." Ari nodded slowly.

"Good girl, now get some sleep." Kimberly played with her daughter's hair before shutting her own eyes.

"I love you, mum."

"And I love you, Bells."

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