(1) Grown up

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"Ari!" Jenkin called down the hall of the new house on the island. Jenkin had most defiantly grown up by now, he was sixteen and looked a lot like Robert, except Robert had more grey hairs by now.

Arabella came running down the halls wearing a large shirt. She had defiantly followed Kimberly in the sense of hating trousers. "Yeah?" Arabella was now nine years of age. It felt as if time had slipped by in a blink of an eye for Robert and Kimberly.

Belle also looked very much like Kimberly. She had the cheekbones and the same odd yet cute looking top lip that Kimberly had, both kids did. She had blonde hair and a Kimberly's green eyes.

"Pa wants to talk to you. He's on the dock." Jenkin spoke as he bit down on chocolate he has stolen from his mother's hidden stash.

"Okay, I'll run down now." She spoke then took a bite of Jenkin's chocolate.

She began walking to the door when Jenkin shouted back. "Get trousers on!"

"I'm fine!" Belle called back as she was about to close the living room door.

But before she could a hand stopped her. "Your brother is right. Trousers on now." Kimberly instructed.

Ari just nodded then ran to her room. She was defiantly an independent child, she liked doing stuff for herself. So did Jenkin.

"Hi, babe." Kimberly stood behind the couch her son was sitting on and tapped his shoulder. "You seeing Natalie today?"

"I don't know, mum. She's confusing me." He sighed and shook his head.

"Why? What's she doing?" Kimberly walked around to the front of the sofa and took a seat next to her son.

"She's bitching that we never go anywhere nice for dinner." He shook his head.

Kimberly squinted her eyes and looked to her son. "What?"

"She knows that we as a family have a lot of money, it's obvious. But we don't go to very fancy places. I don't like doing that, you know? I like doing meaningful stuff." Jenkin sighed. Kimberly couldn't say she liked Natalie, she reminded her of Jessica, Caiden's ex-girlfriend.

"I'm a girl, and as a girl I much prefer meaningful things. Doesn't she?" Kimberly played with her son's hair. Usually he'd tell her to stop as he didn't appreciate her messing his hair up, but right now he found it comforting.

"I had a plan of flying over to the main land and taking her to sunflower field. She loves the colour yellow and all her contacts in her phone has a sunflower next to them. I've even bought her a necklace with a sunflower pendant which opens to the date we got together, but now she's kicked up a fuss that I need to sort myself out before we talk again." Jenkin got rather worked up. He had put all this effort into making his girlfriend of one year happy. Just for her to tell him she needs time.

"For starters, you're exactly like your father, so sweet." Kimberly gave a small smile. "And secondly, she using you Jenkz! She's using you for the money your father and I give you! She's worse than Jessica!" Kimberly began shouting to exaggerate her point.

"Mum, I really like her." He sighed. "She's gorgeous, looks like an Angel. I love nothing more than to cuddle in bed with her and watch movies for hours. I just don't know what to do."

Kimberly rested her head on her son's shoulder. "I know you love her Jenkin, but as your mother I just look out for you by telling you that she's using you. It's either that or I scratch Jane Cross' eyes out." The two laughed a little. "You've considered breaking it off for a few months now, right?"

"Yes, but It hurts my chest whenever I think of doing it." Jenkin sulked.

"So make her do it."


"Stop doing all these things, give her a reason to break up with you." Kimberly shrugged and sat up to look at her son.

"Oh yeah, then George Cross comes running at me to kill me or some shit." He rolled his eyes. Yes, Jenkin was dating George Cross' daughter.

"Do you really think your dad would let that? Come on Jenkin." Kimberly shook her head. "Come on, its time for lun-"

"Training." Robert's voice was heard. Kimberly and Jenkin both turned to look at the door where the main man stood with a smirk on his face. "I think it's time I prepare our children to take care of the business, don't you darling?"

"Jenkin has already been practicing guns, what's the difference?" Kimberly furrowed her brows.

Robert stepped further in the living room "Well he's going to begin learning more about the business. And I think it's time Arabella begins learning."

"What?!" Kimberly and Jenkin both shouted. "She is not learning how to use a gun. She's nine father!" Jenkin Shouted. He cared very much for Arabella's well-being.

"I agree." Kimberly shook her head. "She's a baby, Robert. You're being ridiculous."

"And she needs to protect herself. Come on." Robert instructed the two and began walking out of the room.

Kimberly looked to her son and shook her head before following her husband out of the house and down in the gravel path that led down to the dock.

Kimberly was now forty and Robert was forty-five. The couple had aged well. Kimberly had always looked younger — by a lot actually — and she usually hated it but as she got older she loved that she still looked as if she was in her late twenties, early thirties. She dyed her hair often, not the extreme colours she used to go, but a simple blonde.

Robert kept his hair grey, he felt it actually looked rather good. His beard was a little fuller now. Whereas when he was in his twenties he preferred a little stubble he believed he now looked better with a beard. Robert felt like he hadn't aged either, nothing about him had changed except his appearance a little.

The three reached the bottom of the path and reached the dock. There was a small boat parked up waiting. "Jenkin, you're going to begin learning how to drive a boat." Robert smiled.

"Robert, he cant even legally drive a car yet." Kimberly rolled her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." Robert warned. "Elijah will accompany you and teach you. You must take your sister so she can begin getting her bearings with the whole thing. He'll take you out to a clear spot with no rocks and you can try yourself. If Belle can reach the pedals she can have a small go." Robert instructed. "Don't damage my boat. I've got work to do, I'll be back later." Roberts then turned to walk up the path.

Kimberly rushed after her husband and grabbed onto his arm. "You're very tense lately, love. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, doll." Robert shook his head.

"Just tell me." Kimberly pushed.

"We're soon to pass over the company to Jenkin. We're passing over a whole story of our lives to our son. Our son will carry on the story of our business. It'll just be weird. He needs to be ready." Robert spoke truthfully. He wanted to make sure their son was totally ready before he took Robert's position.

"Don't you think I'm nervous too? The same job I've been doing for twenty years will be passed to our daughter. God knows when because Jenkin will take the job when he's roughly twenty and by then Arabella will only be roughly thirteen." Kimberly spoke her mind. "But imagine how nice it'll finally be to relax without having to do paperwork every day. Finally having days to ourselves. It'll be nice. Trust me, it'll all be worth it."

"It's time to pass over the story of us, onto the story of our children. I'm scared. Our children will be the holders of Mitchell's L.T.D. I'll be standing in the background. Our son will be the new Mr. Mitchell." Robert took a moment to think. "If any of these bastards start thinking that once Jenkin takes my role they don't have to respect me I swear to-"

"Oh just shut up." Kimberly laughed. "There's a new Mr and Ms Mitchell now, and it's our children. Let's just hope they don't fuck it up."

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