(19) Powerful

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"Do you really think that's smart?" Izzy shook her head. Arabella had just told her best friend of her plan to finally shut Jasmine up.

"Lets just see what she does. What I do depends on how I react." Arabella shook her head and took a bite of her pasta. It was lunch time and the girls were eating their lunch in the benches on the field while waiting for Jasmine to strut her happy ass over and say something totally unnecessary I'm attempts of offending Arabella.

"Maybe she won't-"

"Arabella." Jasmine's shrill voice sounded. She reminds me of Natalie. "I'm so sorry about your phone, I guess you'll be without-"

"A phone? No hun, I think you've forgotten who my father is." Arabella lifted you her new phone and waved it in Jasmine's face with a smile. If she wants to think I believe I'm better than everyone else, I'll pretend I am.

Jasmine's eyes widened. "B-but it was literally yes-"

"Yesterday, I know. But as you said yourself, my father can just buy me a new one." Arabella shook her head and relaxed back in her seat.

"You aren't better than everyone else, I don't know why you act like it!" Jasmine huffed, she didn't know what to say, Arabella wasn't backing down or even trying to keep the whole thing calm like usual.

"No no, I know I'm not better than everyone, I'm just better than you." Ari smirked, a small laugh leaving her lips.

"You're a little bitch, you know that?" Jasmine seethed.

"Wanna know something?" Arabella made an innocent face and tilted her head to the side.


Arabella shot up from her seat, took Jasmine's shoulders in her hands and smacked her forehead against Jasmine's causing her to stumble back and groan in pain. "Bells!" Isabella gasped.

People watched as Jasmine stumbled back in shock and Arabella chuckled sinisterly to herself. "What the hell?!" Jas gasped and held her head in pain.

"You say I'm a bitch, so I'll be a bitch." Ari lunged forward, grabbed Jasmine closer before punching her across the face, then kicking her in the stomach. The training does help.

"Miss Mitchell!" One of Arabella's teachers shouted, jumping in between the two girls to stop Ari from getting in another hit.

Ari's tone turned completely bitchy, her face clearly holding anger. "What? She shouldn't have-"

"I don't care! Violence is never the answer! I'm phoning your father!" Ari smirked and laugh. They told me to.

"I can't believe she did it." Kimberly stifled a laugh as Milo's car pulled up outside of the large public school.

"Well you told her to, what did you expect?" Milo couldn't help but laugh.

"He has a point, we did literally tell her to hit her." Robert shrugged and opened the car door, Kimberly copying his actions and wishing Milo a goodbye.

"She head-butted the child!" Kimberly covered her mouth and laughed. Kimberly and her husband walked up the stone path towards the office, the two were both dressed rather formally due to them both being in the homeland office when being called in by the school.

Kimberly's black heels clicked along the stone, Robert's dress shoes making a similar noise as they spoke. "You can't blame her. She broke her phone." Robert shrugged and chuckled. He straightened out his blazer before pushing open the large glass door which led into the school office.

The office lady looked up from her computer and did a double take. The Mitchell's? Kimberly made her way over to the large desk, a curt smile on her face as Robert approached behind her. It was Robert's old school but due to his age none of the teachers there knew him, they simply knew that their school had been the one to educate the Robert Mitchell. "Hi, we have a meeting with Mr. Reece about Arabella May Mitchell." Kimberly let the woman know and she happily began typing in some thing on her computer.

"Yes, I see it right here. I'll give him a call." The woman picked up the phone and called for the deputy head detached. "Yes, the Mitchell's...okay." She placed the phone down and turned back to look at Robert and Kimberly with a smile. "He'll be right down,"

The married couple thanked the woman and stood together, waiting for the teacher to drive. "Mr and Mrs Mitchell, nice to see you again." The teacher came through the office doors, a smile on his face as he gestured for them to come with him.

They followed the man up a purple staircase and into an office room where their daughter sat, a small smile on her face. "I did it." She gleamed.

Kimberly smiled slightly too and nodded her head. "I know."

"Please, take a seat." He gestured. Kimberly took the seat besides her daughter on the left while Robert took the right. "As you know, Arabella has used an act of violence in school premises today. Now we're sure you're very disappoin-"

"Not really." Kimberly shook her head. Robert bit the inside of her lip. Here she goes.

"Wha-what do you mean, Mrs. Mitchell? You aren't disappointed that your daughter has really hurt another pupil?" Richard Reece didn't know what to say, he hadn't gotten this reaction before.

Kim shook her head making Arabella smile. "Not at all, Jasmine Prescott has been picking on my Bells ever since she joined the school, her friend Isabella has informed me that she had told teachers plenty of times but nobody has sorted it, so I told Arabella to sort things the way I would have when I was her age."

Mr Reece's eyes grew wider. "But violence is never the answer."

"Violence may be the only thing that stops that child from being mean to mine." Robert chimed in.

Mr Reece looked from Kimberley to Robert. "But-"

"And I hope you wouldn't be punishing Arabella for this, all she was doing was defending herself. I won't be punishing my daughter for something I told her to do and neither should you be." Kimberly wasn't an intimidating person to many, but she could be when she wanted to be. Richard Reece knew the Mitchell's had a lot of money and could ruin the school in an instant if something went wrong. (Ever since Arabella went to the school the family gave a substantial amount of money for supplies every month after Richard telling the family that the school was struggling financially on Arabella's first day.) If the family stopped the help the school would most likely have to close and that wasn't what they needed.

"Is that clear?" Robert raised a brow.

"Uh-umm, yes yes there will be no punishment for Arabella. Sorry for calling you in today." The deputy head mumbled.

"Great. Now, Ari love, come home with us, you'll be back in tomorrow." Robert stood from his seat and opened the door for his daughter and wife to leave, him following after her.

"How did you get me out of trouble like that?" Arabella giggled in shock.

"You know how that girl keeps telling you that you aren't better than the rest of them?" Robert smirked as he descended the staircase.

"Yes." Ari nodded in confusion.

"Sweetheart, you're so much better and more powerful than anyone in this school. Trust me."

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