(55) blood boil.

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It took a while for the kids to stop overreacting when their parents tried to explain. Telling your kids that their mother calls you daddy isn't exactly an easy topic to come across.

Neither was explaining Reds.

Imagine having to explain to your children you created a kink club, one of the first of its kind, and now instead of you, your best friend who is also your son's boyfriend's brother in law, owns it.

Did they tell them they went to Red's once?


No they did not.

A man would have to be crazy to admit to his kids the things him and their mother did before they were born. There was no way Robert or Kimberly was explaining more than they had to.

So after they had calmed down, taken a moment and agreed that really, it's not that bad but they never wanted to speak of it again, they sat down together and went through the files, explaining any stories their kids never knew of, such as how Eli used Kimberly's mother against her in an hallucination.

One they read through the three files and marked down any information Damon had which could be used against the family, Arabella hopped on a motorbike, throwing the files in a the storage box on the back and drove to Damon's house to return them.

Arabella didn't have her license yet. She knew how to ride, of course she did. But she hadn't gotten around to actually doing the tests yet, but that didn't matter when your parents had as much money as hers did and could fake anything they ever needed.

She wasn't planning on staying at Damon's for long. She only wanted to drop off the files she had, pick up the remaining four, take them back to the office and then her and Ethan had planned a picnic at the park. Because of the job they were all now knees deep in, most of their free time was training, or in the middle of doing a job. They spent most of their time together discussing tactic, working out or cuddling in bed together until they fell asleep, by which they felt too exhausted to have a long conversation about themselves.

Arabella hopped off the bike and knocked on the door to Damon's house. Luckily the guards didn't out you a fight as her face had been seen a few times at his home lately. She didn't feel like pulling an argument, she just wanted to get back to her love. "Arabella, how nice to see you." Damon greeted.

"And you." She smiled. She quickly grabbed the files out of the box and handed them over to the man. "I came to drop these off and pick up the remaining."

"Come in." Damon spoke as he turned his back to Arabella so he could place the files in side and grab the others.

"Oh no, sorry. I have plans so I'm heading back after grabbing these, I thought we could speak about them on Friday possibly?" At Arabella's words Damon looked disappointed.

"Hmm, okay then." She handed off the remaining files and she placed them in the box then locked it. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"What are your plans?" Damon asked out of curiosity.

She had to lie. If she told him about Ethan he could take two things from it. She's closer to her side than she let on, and the flirting was only part of a plan to trick him. All that was true, but she couldn't have him knowing that. "I'm just going to go for a ride, I haven't telephone been on a bike on the roads a ton so I just wanted to practice more."

Damon nodded. "Well, good luck to you. And as always, if you need anything give me a call."

"Thank you. Bye." She waved to him and hopped on her bike.

Damon could feel something was different, he didn't know why b it he wanted to. He watched as she drove off down the path and disappeared from sight until he got in his car and followed. He was a curious man and had to know why she was acting different, it was as if she was gasping to get away from the man, where usually she'd have been close and flirty.

Arabella knew she was acting slightly different, just hoped Damon wouldn't have noticed. She cousins bare to flirt with him for business, to then sit with her boyfriend. Even if Ethan knew, it just didn't feel right to her.

Damon could be a possessive man when he wanted to. And when he had a feeling something was up he had to know what that was. He followed behind her, leaving gaps between them so she wouldn't notice.

She was back on the main streets again and was driving straight to her fathers office. Damon was aware that Arabella kept the files in the office, she had convinced him that it was the safest place so he had no arguments about that part.

She eventually pulled up in the car park and hopped off the bike. Pulling out the files and entering through the glass door and jogging her way up the staircase.

Damon waited for her, not risking having his face seen in the office. He timed how long she would take, and if she would even come out at all.

It took ten minutes before Damon was convinced she had lied and wasn't going to come out, that was before he saw her stepping back out of the door she entered, this time wearing a skirt and sweater — it must have been under her motorbike gear.

She had a huge smile on her face, but then turned to face the door and began soaking backwards, indicating she was waiting for someone. Then out stepped Ethan Black.

Damon felt his blood boil.

He tried to convince himself it could have been something she had to do to pretend she was still on her fathers side.

He watched as Ethan opened the door for Ari and she hoped in. The two pulled out of the car park and of course Damon followed.

He followed them all the way the the park. Even when the two got out of the car, bag in hand, he followed on foot. He watched in disbelief as the two set out a picnic blanket and began to enjoy lunch on it.

He stormed back to his car and sped off to his house. He was furious at her. She betrayed him, even after the multiple warnings. He had no doubts that her family were in on it.

He checked his security camera once he got home to see if there was anything suspicious of the girl. He watched how she arrived every time, and left each time acting fine, no one else around, even when she arrived without Damon to pick her up. Even when she left there was no one else around.

But then he saw it.

Arabella pulling up outside who's house on her bike. Pulling the necklace out of her jacket before knocking the door, and then tucking it in before she had left that day.

He was convinced the necklace held a camera.

He flicked to living room footage. Speeding it up to get through it quick. The first day once he left Arabella alone to get the folders, he watched for anything odd, and confirming his suspicions, she lifted the necklace, pointing it in different directions of the room.

A camera.


Damon lifted his phone to his ear after angrily finding Arabella's number. After what felt like years she picked up. "Hello, what's wrong?"

"Game over, Mitchell."


"You're whole family is dead, starting with you."

Hi! We're coming to the end of the book, I'm looking at 6 more chapters left until the end, and that will be the end of Arabella's and Jenkin's story.

Another book will be written but won't be published for a very long time called "becoming the professionals." Which will be about Kimberly and Robert's past, the rise of the company, and just how wrong, yet right everything was.

Hopefully the book should answer any questions you had on how they met and of their past.

Thank you for all your support! Xx

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