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"Pasta for dinner tonight." Jenkin announced into the living room.

"Are you cooking it?" Savannah raised her right brow.

"Uh...yes?" He furrowed his brows in return, confused as to why she was asking.

She let out a huff.

"What?!" Jenkin shouted in shock. "What's wrong with me boiling the pasta?"

"Have Kimberly cook it." Jackson mumbled while scrolling through his phone.

"Cheeky bastard." Kimberly bit back.

Everyone was in the home. Well, all but one. Kimberly way laying on a large armchair. On the couch to her right laid Savannah. On the couch to her left laid Robert and Cole — they insisted on sharing. In the centre of the couches was a mattress from the guest bedroom where Arabella, Ethan and Jackson laid, Jenkin was once there but he decided to make them all dinner. A ton of blankets and pillows surrounded the room, garbage tv playing on the large flatscreen, but they were all talking too much to pay attention to what was actually playing.

"Do you not trust me to boil pasta?" Jenkin asked his boyfriend. "It's literally water."

Arabella piped up. "You don't leave it cook long enough. It's like plastic."

Robert pulled himself from Cole's grasp and stood to his feet. "I'll do it." He shot a silly look in his sons reaction.

Jenkin mocked the look on his father's face and threw himself back into the mattress in the ground, leaving his father to do the cooking. "Is it only me who finds is cold in here?" He asked everyone around him.

Arabella tugged the blanket closer to her brother. "It is a bit nippy. Is a window open?"

Savannah silently turned around on the couch and leant over to tug the curtains that covered the windows besides her. She looked up to see the top window was open.

"Well done, Ramsey." Ethan spoke, his voice low in fake disappointment.

Cole quickly turned to face Ethan, his eyes confined and his eyebrows knitted together. "What?"

"Just wanted to blame you."


Dinner was done fourth minutes later. Jenkin did the pasta sauce and he left his father to the pasta. He didn't understand what everyone had against his pasta. He felt it was perfect.

As everyone sat around the table, taking their usual seats they chatted happily amongst themselves. Robert and Kimberly at the head of the table, Jenkin and Arabella on the centre on the five chairs placed on each side, their significant others to their left and the Ramsey's to their right. The table had always been so big so the whole family could join, but of course, sadly over the years the amount of people sat around the table slowly got less and less.

They still kept the large table, not baring the think there would ever be a time where they couldn't fill it. They had shared so many experiences around the table, they just couldn't bare themselves to throw it away.

They all served themselves up a helping of their dinner including sides, drinks laid out in front of them. The atmosphere was quite happy, that was until Savannah spoke up. "Can we talk about something serious with you lot, please?" The atmosphere turned tense with Everyone looking at the married couple.

"What is it?" Robert questioned hesitantly, taking a bite of his pasta.

It was Cole's turn to speak up. "We signed our leave for the company yesterday."

It felt as if the Mitchell's world stopped. The couple looked to their best friends with wide eyes, then to each other at the opposite ends of the table.

Cole could see the shocked reaction on their faces, so could Savannah. "After Elijah, we just need to make sure we're there for Zoe. We can't take a risk."

They both heard Savannah's words, but neither could respond. Thousands of memories came rushing through their heads as they stared at each other. Savannah and Cole were the first top tier men they recruited. Now they were leaving.

Leaving Robert and Kimberly to be the only ones left.

Their heads started to ache with the shock. They knew they'd be leaving eventually, but not so soon after Elijah's death.

The younger generation were of course sad, but none do them had the same bond with either of the Ramsey's as the Mitchell's did. Not even Jackson.

Savannah and Cole had been around for as long as the business had, helping to hold it together. What if it crumbled without them?

"I understand." Kimberly was the first to let her voice free.

"You do?" Savannah sighed, feeling sorry for the clear shock and sadness she had brought to the two.

"You need to make sure Zoe is okay. It's just a shock, that's all." Robert answered.

Cole attempted to lift the mood. "Thanks. Don't care that we're leaving."

"Don't say that, Cole." Kim was quick to shut him down. "It's a shock that we'll have this without you, without any of you."

"Just us."

Savannah sighed again. "Come on, you aren't going to lose much. It'll be Jenkin's and Arabella's soon."

"Yeah. There's nothing wrong with us leaving. We're not stepping out do your lives forever." Cole finished.

"What of the company crumbles without you?" Robert expressed his true feelings, something which he didn't enjoy doing when it involved weakness.

"Robert, we aren't your company anymore." Cole began. "Neither are you nor Kimberly. They are." He gestured towards the younger generation. "It's time to hand it over. Time to let go."

"I can't." Robert shook his head.

"What is it that makes it so hard for you to give it up?" This time it was Arabella speaking up.

Robert let out a loud breath. "Your mother and I built this company from nothing but debt, tough times, dreams and love. I'm just attached."

"What do you think we'd be extending on it with?" Jenkin spoke after a long gulp of water.

Jackson reached for Jenkin's hand. "No one loves each other more then this group of people you have right here." He smiled.

"We all have dreams for this company, and we've already been showed the rough times." Ethan continued.

"We're just fortunate enough that you've given us enough money that we can strive from and build it up so much more." Jenkin finished.

Savannah looked between her two best friends. "Hunny, we're leaving, and I think it's also time for the both of you."

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