Chapter 17: Special

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Lexa clenched her fingers, gently pulling Clarke's hair as she enjoyed the warmth of her lips and tongue on the skin of her neck.

She could feel the blonde's hands placed firmly on her buttocks, her fingers sinking into her flesh as she pulled her closer, positioning her thigh between Lexa's legs.

The brunette was surprised by the loud moan that escaped her throat when she felt the pressure on her sex as Clarke rubbed her thigh against it and proceeded to silence her with a wet kiss.

Lexa's hips started moving involuntarily, looking for more friction and their lips separated to fill their lungs with air, panting as they locked eyes, seeing the desire in their dilated pupils.

"... have to be here somewhere..." They suddenly heard Raven's voice on the other side of the stall. "Lexa? Clarke?"

"They're not here, Ray..." Lexa and Clarke recognized Anya's voice. "Come on, let's go back to our table... they probably went out to get some fresh air."

Clarke and Lexa were holding their breath, standing still and waiting for Anya and Raven to leave the bathroom.

"We should probably go back..." Clarke said when they could no longer hear their voices.

"Yeah..." Lexa agreed and lowered her hands to Clarke's shoulders. "I really like kissing you..."

"I really like kissing you too," Clarke smiled softly at Lexa and wrapped her arms around her waist before giving her a peck on the lips.

They joined the others at the table, grateful that everyone seemed to have forgotten that they had been looking for them just a few minutes earlier; all thanks to the many rounds of alcohol they had ordered and consumed throughout the night.

Echo turned out to be quite nice and Octavia seemed to be impressed when she learned that she was a self-defense instructor and even made plans to take one of her classes.

Lexa was pleased to see that Clarke wasn't interested in Echo nor in anyone else, as their eyes met quite a few times and the blonde was even touching her hand under the table, a subtle smile following the gentle act.

She was enjoying the company, but at the same time she couldn't wait to be alone with Clarke again, yearning to feel her lips on hers.


When they returned to the loft, Clarke helped a slightly incapacitated Octavia get into bed and then took a quick shower in the smaller bathroom, next to Octavia's room, since she noticed that Lexa was using the main one.

By the time she was done, Lexa was already in her room, but she had left the door ajar, hoping that Clarke would see it as an invitation to come in and give her a goodnight kiss.

Just as Lexa put on her PJs, she heard a soft knock on the door and her jaw dropped when she saw Clarke, leaning on the door frame, wearing nothing but a towel.

"Hey," the blonde greeted her, completely aware of Lexa's wandering eyes. "I want to show you something..."

Lexa raised her eyebrows and quickly scanned Clarke's body from head to toes, feeling the heat in her neck.

"Not that," Clarke laughed. "Come, it's in my room..." she said, tilting her head to the side.

The brunette followed her to her room, curious to see what Clarke wanted to show her.

Clarke walked over to the desk, where Lexa could see a white and blue box on top and as the blonde picked it up, Lexa recognized an image of a PS4 console printed on the front.

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