Chapter 32: Good Girl

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NOTE: Wow... can't believe it's been six months since my last update.
So sorry it took me this long (if anyone's still reading this story, ofc).
Good news is that I have figured out the ending and I plan on finishig the remaining three chapters by the end of this year.
Anyway... hope you like this chapter! Comments are very welcome, as always.


Another three weeks had gone by, making it over a month since the last time Clarke and Lexa physically saw each other. The statewide stay-at-home order and school closures had been extended to May 15, which meant a lot of online classes for Aden and plenty of work for Lexa as well, focused on developing exposure notification app that would notify users of potential exposure to Covid-19.

Clarke had been even busier than usual, barely spending any time at home, and she couldn't remember the last time she had a proper meal or a full day off to disconnect and rest. She knew it wasn't healthy and she was on the verge of burning out, but she didn't feel she had a choice, really; they were understaffed, even with the hospital bringing in doctors and nurses from other hospitals where the number of new cases wasn't increasing as fast as it did in NYC. In all that chaos, Clarke and Lexa still managed to talk every day, if nothing else, just to let each other know that they were okay and that they missed and loved each other more than ever.

Today, however, something felt off.

Lexa hadn't heard from Clarke at all, and she hadn't even opened her messages ever since earlier that day when they exchanged their "good morning" messages. She didn't think much of it at first, but as the day went on, she couldn't help but feel concerned, especially because she knew that her girlfriend's shift had ended at least an hour ago.

Yet still no sign of Clarke.

She couldn't wait anymore, so she called her, but there was no answer.

So, she called again.

No answer.

Lexa insisted and called her one more time.

Just as she was about to end the call so she could try again, Clarke picked up the phone. Or at least Lexa thought it was Clarke, except her voice sounded so fragile and a bit croaky, almost as if she had gotten the wind knocked out of her.

"Clarke?" Lexa spoke, feeling her heart racing inside her chest. "Baby, what's wrong?"


Six hours earlier...

Clarke was about to take her first break of the day when she ran into Lincoln, a worried expression displayed on his face while speaking with someone on the phone.

"Is she on the way here?" Clarke heard him say, carefully approaching him. "Okay, I will wait in front of the ER... Yes, don't worry... Yes, I will keep you updated... Bye..."

He finished the conversation and finally noticed Clarke standing silently in front of him, patiently waiting for him to speak first.

"Clarke... um... hey..." he said, obviously surprised to see her there. "How much did you hear?"

"Enough to understand that someone you care about is probably sick and on their way here..."

Lincoln bit his lip nervously behind the mask, hesitating for a moment before he spoke again.

Flatline (CLEXA AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ