Chapter 11: Not My Type

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After showering, Clarke spent the rest of the morning in her room, listening to some music and reading a book. She couldn't help but feel a little restless, though, wondering if Lexa and Jasper had talked about what the brunette had confided in her on the rooftop and if they had broken up. Or if maybe Lexa had changed her mind and decided to smooth things over instead and stay in the relationship that she had described as comfortable and safe.

Either way, she was glad that Lexa had opened up to her and she knew she was going to be there for her no matter what.

If Lexa needed a shoulder to cry on, Clarke would readily offer hers.

If Lexa needed someone to watch Netflix with, Clarke would order the pizza and pull an all-nighter with her.

If Lexa needed to go out and get stupidly drunk again, Clarke would be sitting right next to her at the bar, ordering tequila shots and taking care of her afterwards, making sure she got her safe to bed.

And if Lexa needed to just stay home and do absolutely nothing, Clarke would be more than happy to be by her side and do nothing with her.

She didn't care what they would be doing, as long as they would be doing it together.

And there it was.

It suddenly clicked inside Clarke's head: she had it bad for Lexa.

There was no doubit about it... She had a huge crush on her roommate.

Her straight roommate who was probably breaking up with her boyfriend right next door and was likely counting on Clarke to be her friend and to be there for her.

This could NOT be happening.


It had to be stopped.

She would just have to get over it.

It was just a tiny, little crush, after all.

Clarke felt guilty and ashamed for even thinking about Lexa that way. That poor girl had so much on her plate at the moment and all Clarke could think about was how she would like to wake up next to her and make breakfast for her every day for the rest of her life.

Wait... No... this was not just a crush. What the hell was it?

The sound of an incoming call on her phone was the best interruption she could've hoped for, so she quickly grabbed it from the nightstand and answered the call.

Phone call

"Hey you! Perfect timing!"

"Yeah? No naked French lady in your bed this fine morning?"

"I see Monty and Harper have updated you on the events from last night..."

"Well, when Clarke Griffin turns down someone who was described to me as the hottest woman at the wedding, you can bet your ass news travel fast, my friend... I've been told that she was flirting shamelessly with you AND that she's gonna be in NYC only one week... That's like the best thing that could've happened to you... a one-week sex marathon and no strings attached... So, I guess my question is... What the fuck, Clarke?"

"Wow... I see you're well informed," Clarke laughed. "Except for one thing... She wasn't the hottest woman at the wedding..."

"Oh yeah? Wait a minute... Did you score?" Raven exclaimed. "When did that happen? I was told you went home with Lexa because she wasn't feeling well..."

"I did go home with Lexa... And no, I didn't "score" at the wedding," Clarke laughed. "I just said that Adèle was not the hottest woman there, that's all...."

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