Chapter 16: Tomorrow

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Clarke stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the loft, some kind of a bakery smell invading her nostrils as she proceeded to unlock the door.

Lexa had texted her just as Clarke was finishing her 12-hour shift, to let her know that she was making breakfast and to make sure that Clarke wouldn't stop at the bakery that morning.

She opened the door and left her bag on the floor, inhaling the scent that she could now recognize as cinnamon, apple and a hint of vanilla.

The sound of chill, indie music was becoming louder as she approached the kitchen, finding Lexa slightly bent over, taking something out of the oven.

She turned around and jumped as she laid the plate on the countertop, startled by Clarke who was standing on the other side of the kitchen island.

"Shit!" Lexa exclaimed and placed her hands on her chest, wearing oven mitts. "I didn't hear you come in..."

"I'm sorry," Clarke smiled and then looked at the plate in front of Lexa. "You made apple pie!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"My first vegan apple pie," Lexa said proudly and took off the mitts. "Tea or coffee?"

"Tea, please."

"Coming right up," Lexa's smile widened as she turned around and grabbed the teapot. "Is fresh mint tea okay?"

"You made it? For me?" Clarke was pleasantly surprised.

"I did... I noticed you always drink mint tea the morning after a night shift... So I thought I'd make you a fresh one for a change..." Lexa explained. "Unless you prefer tea bags?"

"Wow... I can't believe you did that for me..." Clarke was touched by Lexa's actions. "Thank you, Lexa..."

"Oh, it's nothing..." she blushed when she felt Clarke's eyes on her and poured some tea in the cup in front of her. "Here you go," she passed the cup to Clarke. "Hungry?"

"Yes," Clarke grinned as she sat on one of the high chairs.

Lexa served some apple pie and grabbed her cup of coffee before joining Clarke, and she sat next to her.

"So... How was work?" Lexa inquired.

"Pretty busy... The two residents I was working with needed a lot of supervision, so I was actually paged more times than necessary."

"Oh... Did you sleep at all?"

"Mmm my God, this is delicious!" Clarke exclaimed after tasting the apple pie.

"Yeah?" a big smile cropped up on Lexa's lips. "I'm glad you like it..."

"It's perfect!" Clarke added, smiling at the brunette. "Oh, um... I did sleep, but only like a half an hour at a time."

"Damn... You must be really tired..."

"A little bit... But it's fine, I'm used to it," Clarke replied and continued eating.

"Did... Um..." Lexa hesitated and bit her lip. "Did you see Adèle again?"

"No... I think she got the hint."

"What did she say to you?" Lexa couldn't help but ask. "When you were talking in French..."

"Oh... Um... She was just, you know... Khm..." Clarke cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry, it's none of my business..." Lexa could see that Clarke was uncomfortable.

"No no, it's not that..." Clarke rushed to explain. "It was just stupid, you know... She tried to provoke me... And it didn't work."

Flatline (CLEXA AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora