Chapter 4: Ring the alarm

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The last thing Clarke needed after a night of heavy drinking was to be woken up by a loud, whirring noise at 9 am on Sunday, of all days.

She groaned at the sound, with her face buried in the pillow and stretched her naked body under the covers, feeling the weight of someone's arm across her back. Images of her spending the night with a blonde woman, whose name seemed to be something that was impossible for Clarke to remember, popped into her head at the same time she was trying to figure out the best way to get her out of her bed.

The awkward moment after waking up next to someone she had just met the night before was Clarke's least favourite part of the one-night stands she frequently enjoyed, but she always tried to handle it kindly, careful not to hurt the other person's feelings.

Sometimes, luck would be on her side and she would wake up alone, relieved to see that they had already left, but most of the times she had to go through the whole morning-after awkwardness and try to keep it to a minimum.

The first rule was to avoid lingering in bed, so she quickly slid out of the bed and saw the woman move at the lost contact, releasing a loud sigh.

Clarke went over to the closet and grabbed a big t-shirt and a pair of boxers, which she put on as she locked eyes with the woman in her bed.

"Hey you..." Niylah said in a sleepy voice, smiling at Clarke.

"Good morning," Clarke smiled back as she put her head through the head hole of the t-shirt.

"Getting dressed already?" Niylah raised an eyebrow, lifting her upper body as she leaned on her elbows.

"Yeah... I need to be somewhere in..." she paused and looked at the watch on her wrist. "Half an hour... I completely forgot to put an alarm last night..."

"Well... you were rather busy, as I recall..." Niylah winked at her. "Alright, I'll get out of your way then," she said, getting out of the bed and started picking up her clothes from the floor.

"Sorry I can't be a better host," Clarke smiled, waiting for Niylah to get dressed.

"You being a great lover makes up for it," Niylah said flirtatiously and her smile suddenly turned into a frown when she heard the same loud sound that had woken up Clarke earlier. "What on Earth is that?"

"My new alarm clock, I guess," Clarke said in a sarcastic tone and opened the bedroom door as soon as she saw that Niylah was fully dressed.

Clarke showed her guest the direction of the bathroom before she walked through the living room towards the source of the noise, which happened to be a blender, operated by Lexa.

She approached the kitchen island, startling the brunette who immediately turned off the machine and removed its lid.

"Running low on vitamins?" Clarke asked as she leaned against the kitchen island across from Lexa, noticing a banana peel, kiwi skin, a mango pit and an almond milk carton next to the blender.

"Something like that," Lexa replied, locking eyes with Clarke for a quick moment before she started pouring the smoothie in a tall glass.

"Did you have fun last night?" Clarke smiled, trying to start a conversation with the brunette.

"I did," she replied. "Probably not as much as you, though..." she added as she grabbed another glass and put it on the counter, without looking at the blonde.

"Yeah... were you already asleep when I got back? I hope I didn't wake you..." Clarke was surprised at the heat she felt in her cheeks, caused by Lexa's comment.

"I wasn't," the brunette answered and poured the rest of the drink in the other glass. "Here, I made too much..." she put the smoothie directly in front of Clarke.

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