Chapter 37 : A mission change

Start from the beginning

"Sara" He called her name but she didn't respond "You can't stay like this forever, you have to accept it and move on, and that's what your parents would have wanted"

She still didn't respond, but then again he didn't expect her to. He knew well what it means to lose someone you love, and even though he just lost almost all of his loved ones he needed to be strong, for Sara and for his clan.

"It's never easy to lose the people you love and I know it's even harder on you right now, you're just a five year old, just yesterday morning, you were laughing and you were happy beside your family, you didn't understand that the world wasn't always happy" He told her as he tried to get a reaction out of her "But with everything you still need to move on, if not for your sake than for your parents…" At that moment Sara flinched a bit "They gave up their lives so that you could live yours, when someone does that your life no longer become yours alone, you shouldn't let their death be a waste by staying like this"

Sara despite being quiet was thinking about his words, her parents did die for her to live and she was but also her brother wasn't dead the least she could do was get stronger and find him and save him.

And wasn't what Orochimaru said was that Yoshio would be the perfect bait, which meant he will probably keep him alive to make sure he gets his hands on the clan's kekkei genkai.

She was still lost and guilty but finding a purpose somewhat if only a fraction had stirred her as the blank look changed to one of determination.

-End of flashback-

Sara Pov

I was sitting still at the river bank, rubbing my eyes trying to stop the tears flowing down but I couldn't.

"Damn it!" I said out loud frustrated "Stop it! I don't want to cry! I can't cry I am ninja, I have to control my emotions!"

But they wouldn't stop so I settled to covering my face in my hands. That night was the reason behind everything, me straying away from my friends, losing my parents, my brother, Kohana losing her father. That night had ruined everything.

'Hideo sensei must have told them by now' I thought to myself 'It was all my fault and now because he failed to get me back then he's going after the source, Harming the entire village in the process. If only I had let him take me back then, everything would be alright. It's my entire fault. No! I can't think of that now, it was my chance I could finally save him, he can finally come home'

Determined I stood up washing my face in the river first before starting to head back.

Hideo Pov

Looking at everyone's face as I finished telling them what I knew of that day, I could tell what most of them were thinking, the jounins of course knew at least all but Kurenai since she was still a new jounin.

At the time, the clan elders thought it was best to keep the incident a secret, I understood why, if word came out three of the strongest shinobi the clan had were gone, two dead and one kidnapped than it was like sending a message that they were an easy target.

A lot of clans and villages would have jumped on the chance especially those who have heard of Heiwa.

Sara knew that but she didn't accept it, she didn't see the point in keeping a secret for so long even if she never managed to talk about it herself but she felt like her parents didn't really get the recognition they deserved.

While I did agree on some parts it didn't really matter the elders were quiet stubborn. Well, our clan was filled with stubborn people.

But on another notice when I saw Yoshio during the attack, it was like a slap to the face, never in his life did I think I and Yoshio would be on opposite sides.

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