18│Winter: 'And only you.'

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On Wednesday, Thomas visited me after drama class to tell me that everyone wishes me well and it wasn't the same without me. He handed me another copy of the script in case I had some free time and wanted to practice. Also, that he had called the dance studio to tell them that we made a pause due to the accident. 

"I know you don't remember anything, but the play is great. Everyone is great. We will set a new record of visitors in June when we premiere. Claire plays your part at the moment until you come back," he told excitedly. "Collin will probably be responsible for that." He chuckled. "But I don't care." 

I asked him what happened that Collin Most-Gorgeous-Guy-In-The-Universe Harris was in drama class in the first place and he told the craziest story I heard since my memory loss. I guess if one could pull something like this off, it would be Collin. But I was glad that the teachers and headmaster weren't up to his charm and punished him nevertheless. What's punishment for him is my escape since freshman year. 

I felt better each day, but the doctors suggested that I stayed at least for another week. My mom brought me tons of books, old and new ones. I read them all because honestly there wasn't much else I could do. My arm iched like hell, but I knew that's because of the healing process. Nevertheless, I wanted to ripp the cast of my arm at any moment. 

On Thursday, Collin came by to bring me material from school. When he entered my room, the uneasy feeling of unfinished business got hold of me again. Laying in bed for days gave me time to think about what might have happened between us. And why he didn't want to tell me. 

I wondered if he'll come and visit me at all, or after his duty of saving me, and knowing me safe, we would continue being strangers. 

But here he was and I guess I was wrong. I quickly rose in my bed and tried to calm my hair which must look like a birdnest after those days in bed. 

"How's your head?" He asked after he put a stable of papers and books on my nightstand. 

"Better, but the wound still needs time to heal. I hope they release me next week." 

"That would be quite a fast recovery after such an accident," he stated, looking out of the window. 

"Thank you for bringing me my homework. I'm so bored, I might actually do them." I grinned at him. Sunlight shone in his eyes and lit them up. In the light, they looked like a beautiful lake. The blue was so clear, it gave me goosebumps. 

"No problem. The teachers were happy they had someone to bring it to you." His eyes moved to mine, then to my lips. A hot wave of butterflies rose in my stomach. "Everyone is wishing you a fast recovery." 

Alright, stay calm. He is simply watching you carefully because you look like a dead bison, I thought, trying to calm my inner-self down. 

After a couple of seconds, he must have noticed that he was starring so he turned his head away from me and looked out of the window again. 

"Well, I better get moving," he then said slowly. 

I didn't want him to go. I wanted him by my side. For some reason, I knew I'd feel lonely if he'd go through the door. 

"Can you practice with me the drama script sometime? It's a pity, but I don't remember anything." Which wasn't completely true because in my alone time I read the script over and over again. I simply wanted to spend more time with Collin and drama class seemed to be a great reason. 

"Yea, sure. I'll come by on Saturday or Sunday." 

"Great," I beamed at him. I would find out what happened in my lost months. 

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