24│Spring: 'I wanna kiss you but I want it too much.'

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Why oh why was Collin he-lives-rent-free-in-my-mind Harris so annoying and yet so attractive?

"And did Tyler behave perfectly at dinner?" He mocked me first thing on Friday at drama class. His big wide smirk on his face. I managed to roll my eyes.

"He behaved just like any civilized person."

"No doubt with this family he got."

"What about it?" He hit a pain point because Tyler never really talked about his family or invited me over. I just knew that they were kind of rich.

"That's not a topic I should discuss with you but let me tell you this: secrets are spelled in capital letters there," he said with a mysterious voice.

"Good that you mention it. Secrets. Do you want to tell me a little bit about us before the accident? Let's get rid of some secrets, what do you say?"

I asked him at least once a week, but the chances were low that he would change is mind.

"Believe me, you're better off not knowing."

"I doubt that," I sighed.

After drama class, we walked towards the parking lot. We talked casually, but for me, it somehow still felt like I was betraying Tyler. On the other side, I was talking to the popular and highly attractive Collin casually.

"Need a ride home?" He asked.

"No, thank you. My mom picks me up." I smiled up at him. Of course, I would have preferred a ride home with Collin over one with my mom, but we were getting along so well since the accident that I didn't want to spoil our rebuilding relationship.

"Then have a nice weekend, don't get into any accidents. Well, too late for that, you're dating Tyler," he said playfully.

"Honestly, what's going on between you guys?" I wondered. Again.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing."

"Sure nothing. Have a great weekend as well. Don't party too much and don't break any hearts."

"Oh, I can't promise that." He smirked.

After Collin's car was out of sight, my phone rang.

It was Thomas.

"Hey girl," he greeted me. "It's Friday night! And I happen to come across a great opportunity."

"Opportunity?" I asked as I walked back to the school and was leaning against the walls. There was still no mom in sight.

"You still at school?" He asked.

"Yes, right outside at the parking lot, waiting for my mom."

"Perfect, give me a minute."

A couple of minutes later Thomas came out of the building heading straight towards me.

"Hey River," he said. "The opportunity I talked about is of course a party."

"No Thomas."

"Come on River. We haven't done anything together in a long time. Now that you're hanging out with the popular kids."

"It's not because of them," I reminded him. "You are never to be seen at lunch or in the halls. I still wonder what you are doing." I was now eying him suspiciously.

"The party is at Rowans. Best friend of Collin." He continued without going into my remark.

"That's nice for Rowan. And Collin, I guess."

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