22│Spring: 'Be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it.'

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Right after I arrived at school on Monday morning, I looked for Tyler, my boyfriend. Those words still sounded strange in my ears. Tyler is my boyfriend. B-o-y-f-r-i-e-n-d. Should I go to my locker or rather to his?

Unluckily, Sarah got to me first before I could decide which locker it would be.

"You know," she snarled, "Tyler always tries to rescue little kittens."

"I would too, kittens are cute and adorable," I answered absentmindedly.

"That's not what I meant, and you know that," she said, her voice full of disgust. "I took out a bet on this 'relationship'. I say it lasts two weeks, maximum, then he gets tired and bored of little Miss Plain."

"Good for you."

"Do you even pay attention?" she asked angrily.

"By the way, have you seen Tyler since you know so much about him?" I asked.

"No," she hissed.

"Ah, too bad. Would you say he rather waits at his girlfriend's locker or at his own?"

"Stop asking me stuff like this like we are friends."

"On the other side," I said thoughtfully. "How would you know?"

"You little brat. But you will see, and I'll be there when he ditches you. Front line."

She turned around and stalked away.

Where could he be? I decided on his locker. There were still a few minutes left until class started. Unfortunately, our lockers weren't very close, and I had to walk all the way around the building to get to mine again.

Yesterday I texted a bit with him, but I didn't have the courage to ask him to meet my mom. I first wanted to see him again. I felt insecure about us. What did he think about the opinions of people like Sarah? Would he agree? On the other side, the school already saw us together, and since the drama play and Collins role in it, they also knew me.

Everything will be fine, River, I told myself again and again.

"Hey cutie," a familiar voice said behind me and I turned around smiling.

Tyler gave me a quick kiss before he opened his locker to get his books out.

"Hey," I said nervously.

"What's up?" He said, now leaning against the lockers.

"Umm, I wanted to ask you if you would like to eat dinner with my mom and me sometime this week." I looked down at my sneaker. "After the party, my mom is eager to meet you."

"Dinner sounds great," he simply said, closing the locker with his foot. "Let's talk about it at lunch, otherwise we'll be late for our first class."

He kissed me on my forehead and left for his homeroom.

He was right and if I didn't hurry, I would be late as well.

At lunch, I stood in line to get my super-healthy and nutritious food. A floppy pizza and an apple. Tyler wasn't here yet, so I sat down at an empty table. I would wait for him to be polite and a good girlfriend so we could eat together.

But it wasn't Tyler who came over and sat down at my table a few moments later.

"Today is drama class, right?" Collin asked, leaning with his back against the table, but turning his head to the side to look at me.

"Yes, as every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday," I answered confused.

"Good, good, please tell Thomas or what his name is that I won't make it tonight. Unfortunately, I have a parallel meeting."

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