23│Spring: 'I don't know how to be something you miss.'

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"So," I started my sentence, "dinner with my mom?"

Second attempt on Wednesday at lunch. Tyler and I sat alone at a table and ate our meals.

"Ah, I'm sorry River, that slipped my mind completely. Please don't tell your mom," he begged jokingly.

"Only if we arrange a date finally," I chuckled.

He leaned forward to kiss me on the lips.

"I think that can be arranged." He smirked. "Tonight, after practice or is it too soon?"

"I'll text my mom and ask her." I pulled out my phone and wrote a quick message to her.

Ten minutes later I received her response, saying that'd work and what we would like to eat. I repeated the question to Tyler.

"You," he said as he winked.

"Stop it." I hit him on the arm. "Now seriously."

"I'm perfectly happy with anything. I'm easy going."

So, I simply wrote that we didn't care and were happy with anything.

"Then let's meet after practice," I suggested.

"I will wait in the parking lot. I guess we will be finished at the time as you."

"Perfect, can't wait." My stomach was twitching. I was probably just very nervous about Tyler meeting my mom, and my mom meeting Tyler.

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch break. "See you in a bit." Tyler kissed me quickly, then grabbed his bag and headed for the gym while I was walking slowly to my Algebra class.

"You guys are still together I can't believe it." I heard a familiar, unpleasant voice. Sarah. And her friend Lynn.

"I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where this is any of your concern." I bite back.

"It is my concern because I'm friends with Tyler, I care a great deal about him."

"Sure," I said lamely and shrugged.

"You drive me so insane, honestly." She pulled her hair in anger and frustration.

"Good," I said smiling. "Job done."

"Collin, say something."

I hadn't noticed the tall boy leaning casually against the lockers. Interesting, I thought I would always notice him anywhere, anytime.

"Why?" He said, locking eyes with me.

"Why?" bellowed Sarah, "because you're on my side of course."

Gosh, what was wrong with her? I thought she had a crush on him.

But Collin just shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever."

"Sorry Sarah, I'd love to talk to you, but I need to get to class." I quickly opened my locker, got my book and folder and sprinted to the Algebra classroom.

I wondered if Collin would show up to drama class today. I mean he had to, or Thomas would go mad. I should have reminded him, just in case.

When the final bell rang, I collected my stuff and headed to the auditorium. I passed my locker and left not important material in it.

"Hey River." I heard a voice right behind me. I whirled around.

"Oh, hi Collin. You surprised me." The adrenalin was now pumping through my veins and I felt like I could run a marathon. I quickly closed my locker door and tried to return to normal. Breath slowly, act casually.

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