13│Winter: 'I don't give a uh.'

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I was a little bit worried when I entered the auditorium, not knowing what laid ahead of me. Mean Collin or cute Collin? Or an entirely new version of him? He was so exhausting. I rubbed my temples gently, hoping it eased the stress a little bit. 

Please god who gives girls energy to handle boys, please help me out. Give me the strength to go through with this play. And help me deal with Collin. Thank you!

Thomas was already there, of course. But the boy talking to him surprised me by his attendance. Collin was talking to a beaming Thomas. Oh boy, did I want to know what they are talking about? 

"Hey guys," I said casually and dropped my bag on a chair. 

"River, good to see you. Sorry about lunch, I should have canceled," babbled Thomas lightly. He smiled from one ear to the other. Collin must make him genuinely happy. 

"No worries. Just don't forget our dance classes, I signed us up this morning." I smirked, very pleased with myself that this was fix now.  

"No, no, don't worry. One hand washes the other." 

"True, it starts next week Wednesday, at 6 PM, downtown," I repeated basically my message from the morning. I got to school early to use one of the computers quickly to sign up online for standard dances beginners. 

"I know, its already in my calendar." In mine as well. Finally, something to put in it. Otherwise, it's pretty empty, besides homework notes. 

Collin was unusually quiet for the time I talked to Thomas, he simply listened to us.

Mrs. Young entered the class. "Let's get going!" she yelled while still being at the entrance. I sat down on the chair behind me, and Collin sat down next to me. 

Unintentionally, I smelled his cologne as a wave of it hit me. Together with his body scemt, it smelled good. He smelled good. Okay, who was I kidding, he smelled amazing. 

His scent hadn't been to present for me before, but it was that kind of smell I could be addicted to. Maybe that's why all the girls follow him, it's in his cologne. Like in that one H2O episode, where... Stop River, you are not in a tv show. 

No doubt, I watch too many of them. 

He turned his head as well and our eyes locked. Shit, I was, again, unable to move or break the connection. I felt the heat rising and my cheeks must have the color of a fire truck. 

Way to go, River. Now you look like a creep. And a tomato. A creepy tomato. 

"River, this is where the action is." I turned even redder if that was even possible, but I was able to break free. I heard a light chuckle. At least someone has fun I thought obstinately. This boy - he's hot and he's cold, he's yes and he's no. Katy Perry's song made a lot of sense to me in this moment. 

"We are up." I hadn't realized that Collin stood in front of me, he held one hand out to take. 

I was really lost in space today. Concentrate, River, goddamn. Collin was not your world.

I took his hand and we walked up the stage for the first act. Today we practiced just the dialogues on stage, one by one. His hand was warm and comforting and after he let go, I could still feel the touch. 

"And what's your name again?" Collin asked me rudely and caught me immediately off guard. Of course as James, but it still took me back to his first words directed at me. They were pretty similar. 

"Lily. And keep it in your tiny mind, I will not repeat it," I said back, as Lily, obviously not taking shit from James. 

"Great, I'm stuck in this cabin with an annoying little brat," Collin said. For clarification, the very first scene takes place in a ski cabin. Two groups of friends, including Lily and James, went skiing over the weekend, but an avalanche rolled down the mountain on the little cabins and encased them completely. The other ones were, how else could it be, out at the supermarket buying alcohol and other drinks. It's their first evening there, and James and Lily didn't know each other before - different groups. 

"At least we're still alive," I sighed dramatically, trying to be as unfriendly as possible. 

"Alive and annoyed," answered Collin as he rolled his eyes. 

"Oh, shut the fuck up, asshead," I bite back. It didn't sound too convincing because Collin had to laugh loudly. He got me off my feet. 

"Sorry, but that's just too funny River saying those words," he barked, still laughing. 

"Hey," I protested. "I try alright." Inside I felt very insecure now.

"Continue." Mrs. Young really got no chills whatsoever. 

"Alright, alright," Collin collected himself and after a few seconds, he asked: "Is your phone working? We should call help." 

"Bright idea, dumbass. No, it's not working, no signal. I checked already." 

"Same for me, well shit. But it won't take geniuses to find us here." 

"Cut," shouted Thomas. "Great, really great, thank you. Next is the 'group of friends' in the supermarket. This includes," he looked at his notes, "Claire, Kyle, Rosaly, Lora and Oscar." 

Collin and I walked down the stage and sat down on our previous chairs. 

I actually had some fun up there, maybe it will all turn out well. And I'd like to thank the god who-helps-girls-deal-with-boys, I wouldn't be here without you. 


A shorter chapter, but I thought it was just fitting so well.

Anyway, do you prefer longer or shorter chapters? 

Every +1 on my read-count makes me so happy 

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