Chapter 16

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It was blinding when Kenma opened his eyes. At first, everything was quiet. Then, someone spoke.

"Kenma?" Kenma looked up the person talking. It took a second for him to register his surroundings, even though he knew he was in his room. His body was weak from not eating for multiple days.
"Yeah. It's me." Kuroo laid his head on Kenma's lap, relived that the latter was alright. Kenma didn't mind, he was laying down after all. Even if he did mind, it's not like he had the strength to argue.

"I was worried you know. When Yaku told me you hadn't left your room for a few days I thought something bad happened. Not to say that what happened isn't bad, but- well- how do I put this..."

Oh. He was worried I commited suicide. Valid arguement, I would be scared too.

Kenma lowered his hand onto Kuroo's, showing he knew what the taller meant. Kuroo understood that, a smile gracing his face.

"I'm glad you're okay though."
"I...w-wo..would..." Kenma couldn't get the words out so he pointed at his throat. He wanted to say that he wouldn't say he was okay, but that seemed obvious. Kuroo soon took notice of Kenma's movements and ran to get water. Once he got back, he helped him sit up and drink the water.

"" Though his body was still weak, Kenma managed to reply.
"No problem. Yaku left to go get food as soon since he saw you moving. He should be back soon." Kenma nodded his head.

After that, there was silence. Neither of the 2 knew what to say, so they sat there. After a bit, Kenma started to play with Kuroo's hair.

How does it stick up like this? Is it really bed head? What position do you have to sleep in to get it like this? It's really fluffy though.

They stayed like that for a while as well, that is until Yaku came in with a few plates of food in hand. Kenma quickly pulled his hands away, a slight blush growing across his pale face.

"Aww, I was enjoying that." Kuroo laughed, seeing the embarrassment on the smaller boy's face.

"I don't know what I walked in on, but save it for later. Kenma, here's some food. Don't fight me, you're at least eating half of this." Kenma looked at Yaku with disbelief. He hadn't eaten anything in 4 days, and was now expected to eat more then he usually does? The only thing that kept him from arguing was that it was Yaku that was making him eat, meaning "no" wasn't an acceptable answer. Instead, he just slowly ate until both Yaku and Kuroo were satisfied, then those 2 ate the remaining.

"I don't know how you didn't eat for 4 days when there's this much good food at your disposal."
"Kuroo not everyone is like you and can eat an entire buffet by yourself."

Kenma smiled. He normally would've laughed, but he still wasn't well enough to give a vocal response. Kuroo smiled back, seemingly finding it cute, while Yaku just admired how the 2 hadn't realized eachothers feelings. Eventually, Kenma motioned to Kuroo to hand him his notebook and a pencil. The taller followed, immediately understanding what Kenma was trying to do.

'Isn't there a Nekoma meeting today?'
"Yeah, but you don't have to go. We'll manage without you."
'I would argue, but I can't. Let me show you some things I was thinking about though.'

Kenma flipped to some of the pages in his notebook, showing them to Kuroo and Yaku.

"Kenma these are-" It didn't take long for Kuroo to interrupt Yaku. After all, that's all he's done for 19 years.
"These are raid plans. Kenma how long have you been working on this? And literally I've been here the entire time so how did I not know?"
'I've been making them for awhile. They're just something I thought we should consider.'
"This is great Kenma! A few adjustments here and there and this'll work well."
'I'm glad I could help' Kenma smiled, knowing that he was of some use to Kuroo.

"Kenma, do you mind if we take your notebook with us to the meeting? Then we can show this to everyone."
Kenma nodded at Kuroo's words, giving the taller a smile.

They didn't talk too much afterwards, the most being occasional small talk and yes or no responses from Kenma. There was a small interrogation from Yaku as to why Kenma locked himself in for so long, which was answered with a written 'everything was overwhelming,' leading Yaku to not press the subject any further. Soon, the sky started showing signs of streaks of red from the setting sun, and Kuroo knew it was time to leave.

"Kenma, focus on getting better. If we're to do anything, we need you healthy. Thanks for letting us take your notebook, this is defintely gonna help. See you later, kitten." Kuroo smirked on his way out, but at this point Kenma was used to it. Instead, he looked over at Yaku with an expecting look in his eyes, seeing as Yaku would have to leave as well. After about a minute, Yaku finally caught on.

"Oh, I'm leaving last tonight. I'll meet with the others at the town square, but until then I'll stay here." And that's what he did. Yaku stayed next to Kenma for another 30 minutes, and on his way out, he turned around and asked Kenma a question.

"Hey Kenma, do you trust Kuroo?"

Kenma had to think for this. Did he really trust Kuroo? After everything that's happened, all the trouble he's gotten himself into, all because of 1 person. At the same time, there was something in his heart that just made him want to trust the taller male. It was almost like an instinct, like he could place his life in the hands of Kuroo and be completely fine with it. But his brain told him no. After the incident at the festival, his brain just wanted to shut down, and he couldn't blame himself. Almost all of his body and soul wanted to betray that instinct. That's why his next movement surprised him.

Kenma nodded. Yaku smiled and ran out the door, into the dark hallway that separated Kenma from the rest of society. He had no doubt that the plans he made would work, all Kuroo had to do was tune it to everyone's strengths and weaknesses and then it would be flawless. And maybe soon after that, everything would be set in motion.

Little did anyone know that the ball would have to be rolling a lot sooner than anticipated.

A/N Alright! I'm very sorry to announce that this will be going on hiatus! Between advanced classes, starting highschool, and band, my school life is chaos. I'll try to write more chapters in advance for when I start updating again, but that might be awhile. So, goodbye for now, and I hope you have a lovely day!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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