Chapter 15

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It was dark. No matter where he looked, Kenma couldn't see anything. He started to feel anxious, terrified of the black abyss.

Where am I?

What's happening?

His anxiety rose, the fear of being somewhere new without anyone else shaking him to his core. However, he heard muffled voices in the distance. He couldn't quite make them out, but he started to try and move towards the sound.

"Is he okay?"
"Yeah, he just passed out. His breathing is steady and I can feel his pulse."
"Thank Asahi Yaku knows medical stuff."

As he walked, Kenma started to remember the events prior to him passing out.

"Hinata, you still say that? Asahi isn't a god you know."
"I know Kuroo, but after joking about it it's a habit."

"Kuroo, shouldn't you head back? Isn't there supposed to be a Nekoma meeting tomorrow?"
"Yeah, but I need to make sure that Kenma's okay. Can't go having our lead strategist struggle without help."

"You just wanna stay with him don't you? Hinata, Lev, you two can go back to your posts. Me and Kuroo will stay. Don't worry about Kenma, we'll take care of him."

"Ok, bye Yaku! Bye Kuroo!"
"Bye Yaku, see you later."

"Well wasn't Lev rude, he only said bye to you."
"Yeah he's my dumbass not yours. Plus he's pretty pissed at you for what happened to Kenma."

"I know, I fucked up. I got distracted and after a few minutes I couldn't even find him.
"Don't let it happen again. I swear if I find out that he even leaves your sight I'll kill you."

"I know, I'll never let anyone even touch him again."
"Good. Anyways, I know there's a reason you want to stay."

"I'm just looking out for a fellow member."
"Bullshit. Kuroo, I've known you for what? Our whole lives? I know you better then you think. If it was anyone else in this situation, you would've just told me the story and let me deal with it."
"That's not-"

"Don't lie to me. You went out of your way to sneak into enemy territory when people here KNOW you and think you're DEAD. You wouldn't do that for just anyone-"
"Yaku, he's our lead strategist. He's important, of course I'd go out of my way for him."
"Kuroo, cut the crap. You feel guilty don't you."

The sounds went quiet.

"I'll take your silence as a yes."
"...Yaku, I don't know how to feel. It's all my fucking fault that this happened. If I hadn't taken my eyes off him, he would be fine. Now he's bedridden and we don't know if he's okay. Damnit, I don't know why I thought this was a good idea, he's a prince and we're some rag tag orphans from the slums, he shouldn't be affliated with us."

"Kuroo don't talk like that. We all made a future for ourselves. After all, isn't that how Nekoma started? Just a few orphans wanting a place to belong."
"You know Nekoma was founded by my parents a long time ago-"

Kenma wanted to know what was happening. He hated being in the dark, and this was no exception. He ran, and soon he saw a light. It was small, but he ran towards it. However, as he grew closer, the voices started to grow even louder.

"Yeah we know, but no one knew about it till you took over. Anyways, don't change the subject. I hope you know Kenma doesn't leave his room for just anyone. It takes me hours to get him up, sometimes it takes Hinata awhile too. I can tell he trusts you, you should be honored."
"He probably hates me now..."

"Nope. No way. He wouldn't even move when everyone else tried to get him out, but you show up and within 15 minutes the door is open? No way he hates you."
"but I'm the reason this happen-"

"Don't even start that. Yes, you made mistakes, you both did. However, at the end of the day, the only person you shoud blame is that drunk bastard who came up on him."
"Yeah, after I took Kenma back here I went back to the alley. Bastard was still there out cold so I put on a hood and took him to a guard station. Told em he was drunk and coming up on young women. He's in jail now, so I guess that's one less thing to worry about."
"Damn, you really were worried, weren't you?"
"Yaku, I swear-"

The light is getting closer. It's a little brighter. Kenma can hear the voices growing in volume, though he still can't make out who it is.

"You know, I've seen you talk about Kenma. I've seen him talk about you too. You both have this look in your eyes, and it reminds me of Lev and me, or Kageyama and Hinata, Bokuto and Akaashi, and all the other couples we know. You've never taken interest in someone before, so is this new to you, Mr. Testu~"

There was a slight change in the room, it had a lighter feel to it now. Kuroo was a little annoyed at Yaku's mocking, but it did more good then bad.

"...Yaku, even if I did like him, with everything happening, I don't think I could do a relationship right now. We'd only stress eachother out in the end."

The light was getting even closer. Kenma realized who the voices belonged to.

Kuroo. Yaku.

He ran faster.

"I understand where you're coming from, but if you ever need to vent, I'm here. It's not good to bottle things up."
"Yaku, trust me, I know what it's like to bottle things up."
"Why do you say that? Usually you just say something if it bothers you."
"...How long have you been holding things in?"

"Kuroo please answer."
"There's a reason I suddenly decided to fake my death, Yaku."

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed. It went from longing, to shock and understanding.

"Yeah. When I used to work here, I saw Kenma all the time. Before I faked my death, I was going to be appointed as his guard. I knew that if I was, he would figure things out fast, so I "died" to get out of it. He was always interesting though, and of course because of my wild imagination, I ended up figuring out that I liked guys. Being in an all boys training group had its perks."

"That's also around the time you came out to everyone. I always thought it was sudden when you decided to fake your death, but I never would've guessed that was why."

The light was close. Kenma had to shield his eyes, though Kuroo and Yaku's voices were practically ringing in his head. He could make out some of the words they were saying, but without context, he had no clue as to what was happening.

"Yeah. I knew it'd only hinder the mission, so to go somewhere where it was almost physically impossible to contact him, home. I guess it didn't help though, look at us now."
"Wow, I didn't expect that from you. Who knew our rooster headed dumbass was actually dealing with a risky situation."
"Gee, thanks for your support and understanding, it's really appreciated."
"Don't use sarcasm with me. You've seen Lev's back."

"It's a truly terrifying sight."
"Exactly. However, the best advice I can give is to not blame yourself for this. Sure, you fucked up, we all make mistakes, and you made a big one. Just help him through this, show your best support and never let thid happen again. I'll talk with Lev and tell him not to blame you."
"You say that like this isn't completely my fault."
"Oh hush. I swear-"

The light was within reach. Kenma had grabbed his ears to prevent the ringing he felt. However, he removed one of his hands to grab the light.

At first, everything was quiet. Then, Kenma opened his eyes.

A/N I'm sad to announce that after the next chapter, this book will be going on hiatus. I'm not giving up on it, since I've planned this out a lot, but it's going to take awhile to finish. With school starting, I'm just not gonna have a lot of time for writing. So yeah, I'll release the next chapter next Monday, and then it might be awhile.

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